(Morning News) The Minister of Defense of Russia and White Ros. The military exercise scheduled to end on Sunday will be extended.This move further exacerbated the Ukraine crisis that is currently in a tight state.Western leaders warn that Russia is about to start invasion.

Agence France-Presse reported that Berlos Secretary of Defense Victor-Hernen said in a statement: "Berlog and Russian president decided to continue to check the preparation status of the alliance forces." He said, he said, he said,This decision was due to the increase in military activities of Beros and the Russian border and the "upgrade" of the Eastern Ukrainian crisis.

The joint exercise of Russia and White Ross from Saturday (19th) was originally scheduled to end Sunday (20th).The exercise exacerbated Western countries' concerns about Russia's attack on Ukraine.

Washington previously stated that the Kremlin sent about 30,000 troops to participate in the exercise in Beros, including the northern border of Ukraine.The Bloss Ministry of Defense said that large -scale exercises at each stage will continue to ensure that the two countries can make sufficient military reactions to any external threats.

The White Ross Ministry of Defense did not specifically explain the end of the exercise.