A senior US government officials said on Wednesday (February 16) that Russia not only did not withdraw troops from the Ukrainian border, but also increased troops 7,000.

Reuters quoted a senior US officials who did not want to be named that the Russian government claimed yesterday that it would withdraw troops from the Ukrainian border and therefore received global attention, but now we know that this is true.However, the official did not further explain, or provided any evidence how to know how Russia has not withdrawn.

The official said that the Bayeng government has confirmed that Russia has added 7,000 troops to the Ukraine border, most of which have arrived on Wednesday.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said on Wednesday that they will withdraw troops after the military exercise near Ukraine is over, and public video shows that the Russian army evacuated from the Crimean Peninsula.

However, U.S. Secretary of State Brills said in an interview with Cable Television News Network MSNBC on Wednesday that the "core forces" are entering the border.

U.S. President Biden said on Tuesday that the United States estimates that 150,000 Russian forces are gathered around Ukraine, and the number of estimates was 50,000.

In response to Ukraine's current situation, G7 intends to hold an emergency foreign minister meeting in Germany this weekend

Japanese media reports, the Seven Kingdoms Group (G7) is planning to hold an emergency foreign minister meeting in Munich, Germany this weekend.Start consultation.

The Kyodo News Agency yesterday (February 16) quoted multiple sources that the G7 was coordinating to hold a meeting of emergency foreign ministers in Munich, Germany this weekend to conduct consultations around the Ukrainian situation that worried about Russia's military invasion and confirmed the policy of unity response.EssenceJapan is exploring the attending by Foreign Minister Lin Fangzheng.

Germany is a chairman of the G7 round of G7 rounds this year. It will hold a Munich Security Conference to attend the European and American leaders in Munich from 18th to 20th of this month.Germany's judgment and cooperation with the meeting to gather G7 Foreign Ministers is feasible, and they are finally agreed to hold a schedule of a foreign minister meeting.

In addition to attending the meeting, Lin Fangzheng also intends to hold a separate talks with foreign ministers from various countries to discuss the way to alleviate the tension of Ukraine.The United States and Britain have warned that if Russia's invasion of Ukraine will mobilize sanctions against Russia, it may still discuss specific measures.

Lin Fangzheng emphasized at the Ukrainian situation at the meeting of the Budget Committee of the House yesterday that the situation that could not be pre -judged continued, and he was paying attention to concern.Regarding sanctions, he reiterated that he would seek solution through diplomatic negotiations, but assuming that Russia's invasion of Ukraine would become a reality, it will work with G7 to mobilize measures including sanctions, including sanctions.

The Japanese government has shown a position that supports Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and does not allow its position to change the status quo through strength.

Around Ukraine's tension, Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Wento called last night with British Prime Minister Johnson.The two sides reached a consensus on supporting Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity and not allowing Russia to change the status quo by virtue of strength.Kishida Wenxiong revealed to the media in a call that he hopes to properly respond to the situation of Ukraine with the international community led by the Seven Kingdoms (G7).