According to the media statement of the High Commissioner's Office of Human Rights, at least 18 demonstrators have been killed in the operation as of last night, and more than 30 people were injured.An anonymous official of the United Nations said that there were news of casualties in many cities and towns in Myanmar. Among them, at least five demonstrators were killed, and at least two people in Manderler died in the second largest city.

Fu Huiyun sorting

[email protected]

(Yangon Composite Electric) yesterday was the most bloody day since Myanmar's soldiers launched a coup. At least 18 demonstrators were killed in the operation.Indonesia calls on Myanmar to restrain, and the Foreign Minister of the Asian member state is reported to meet the situation in Myanmar tomorrow.

Thousands of demonstrators continued to respond to the call for demonstrations on the street yesterday to protest the military government seize power on February 1.Military police also came out early in the morning, using various means to disperse demonstrators at multiple places.After firing rubber bullets, tear bullets and powerful water cannons, and no guns in the air, the military police no longer restrained and used more fatal force to deal with demonstrators.

In Yangon, the largest city, the military police fired to the demonstrators who refused to dissipate in multiple places.Photos and videos released by the media show that many wounded are dragged away by other demonstrators, and the sidewalks are bloody on the sidewalk.

According to the media statement of the senior commissioner's office of the United Nations Human Rights Affairs, at least 18 demonstrators have been killed in the operation as of last night, and more than 30 people were injured.

An anonymous official of the United Nations said that at least five demonstrators in Yangon were killed, and one of the men bounked her chest and died of injuries after arriving at the hospital.

Military TV said that four demonstrators in the southern city of DAWEI were killed.Mandalay, the second largest city in Myanmar, also died at least two demonstrators.A witness said that the security forces fired again yesterday, and a woman was shot in her head.

Robertson, deputy director of the Asian region of Human Rights Observation Organization, said: "Myanmar security forces have significantly increased their use of fatal force in multiple cities and towns across the country to deal with rough and peaceful anti -political demonstrators. This is shocking and unacceptable.. Real bombs are not used to control or dispel protests, and fatal force can only be used to protect life or prevent serious damage. "

At least 21 people have died 571 people have been detained

Since the launch of the military police, at least 21 people have been killed in the coup demonstration.Myanmar police said last night that a total of 571 demonstrators were detained.

The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed deep attention to the deterioration of Myanmar's situation yesterday and urged the security forces to restrain.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated: "Indonesia urges the security forces to avoid using force, and at the same time try to avoid more casualties."

Indonesia is taking the lead in trying to relieve Myanmar's turmoil inside Ya'an.Indonesian Foreign Minister Reterno said on Wednesday that she had conducted intensive talks with representatives of the Myanmar military and the overturned election government.

It is reported that the Asian Foreign Minister plans to hold a special meeting tomorrow to discuss the situation in Myanmar.The Bangkok Post and the Kyodo Society of Japan quoted sources from the diplomatic community that most of the 10 member states of Asia in Asia showed their intention to participate in the meeting, and the foreign minister of Military Military Military Military Military, Wenda Phalang, was expected to participate.This will be the first time that the Burmese Army has held a similar meeting since the seize power of the Burmese army.

The two media said that the meeting may be held in Jakarta, the Indonesian capital of the Asian Secretariat.At that time, the foreign ministers of some countries will attend it in person, and others will participate in an online manner.

Bangkok Post said that the members of the Asianiman members of the meeting may seize the elected government leader Weng Shan Shuzhi after the Myanmar soldiers were seized after launching a coup, and the military promised to hold a general election after one year of emergency state, holding different positions.

urged the international community to take action to terminate the coup in Myanmar's resident representative of the United Nations

The newspaper reported that in order to promote the meeting, Reterno visited a number of member states in recent weeks, including Brunei and Singapore, who currently served as the chairman of the Asian Danu.Last Wednesday, Reteno held a three -trial talks with Thai Foreign Minister Pamwana in Bangkok and Thai Foreign Minister Pamaweina.

At the same time, the Burmese military expelled Myanmar's permanent representative of the United Nations Mono.Jue Momin successfully broke with the military government at an informal meeting of the UN General Assembly on Friday, calling on the international community to immediately take action to terminate the coup.The Myanmar National Television reported on Saturday evening that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar reluctantly relieved his position on the grounds that he was unable to obey the national order and instructions.

But the United Nations said that he did not receive the formal notice of being expelled from Jue Mono, so Jue Momo is still a representative of Myanmar in the United Nations.