● Crown disease 19 epidemic

Cirium statistics from Global Travel Data Analysis Company, the number of flights in Europe next month will exceed 75 % of the level before the epidemic, and the United States will reach86 %.In Asia, there were 30,000 flights to Hong Kong and Singapore every month before the epidemic. There were only 4,514 flights this month.Therefore, experts estimate that the unbalanced recovery of tourism in Europe and the United States and Asia will continue until the end of this year.

(New York Composite Electric) Europe and the United States have continued to relax border control measures.The pace of recovery.In contrast, Asian countries still stipulate that entry passengers must receive coronary detection or isolation, and the steps of recovery in the tourism industry lag behind other areas.

According to statistics from Cirium, a global travel data analysis company, the number of flights in Europe next month will exceed 75 % of the pre -epidemic level, and the United States will reach 86 %.In Asia, there were 30,000 flights to Hong Kong and Singapore every month before the epidemic. There were only 4,514 flights this month.

Cirium's global consultation director Morris estimates that the unbalanced recovery phenomenon of tourism in Europe and the United States and Asia will continue until the end of this year.

Morris said: "Obviously, these are two different speeds ... Mainland China is expected to continue to prohibit overseas tourists from entering the country until the end of 2022;"

Hong Kong not only prohibits passengers from entering the country in high -risk risks, but all passengers must be isolated for 14 days after arriving in Hong Kong.Although Singapore establishes a travel channel (VTL) with multiple countries with multiple countries, it can be exempted from isolation, but crown disease testing must be repeatedly performed.Such epidemic prevention restrictions have caused heavy pressure on airlines that mainly fly in Asia.

Brokache, an associate professor at the Singapore Institute of Technology, pointed out that the number of isolation days accounts for most of the number of travel days. It is expected that Asian countries will still be difficult to attract passengers to travel briefly here.

The Indonesian government has tightened epidemic prevention measures again a few days ago, asking passengers who have completed the vaccination of the crown disease to arrive in Bali Island for five days, resulting in Australia's Jetstar Airlines delayed recovery from Melbourne and Sydney to Bali.Island flight.

Although Thailand has allowed passengers who have completed the vaccination of the coronary disease this month to restore free isolation tourism, it is required to conduct multiple crown disease testing, register with the official, and buy insurance.

Tourism Consulting company Pear Anderson, the director of Kuala Lumpur, said: "This type of testing will play a barrier role., They insist on strict testing, which may promote other countries in Asia. "

But Pilrson believes that the strict entry restrictions on international tourists in Southeast Asian tourism cannot last for too long for too long for too long.In the future, international passengers may only receive antigen fast detection (ART), or passengers who have been tested before boarding can no longer do any tests.

Auckland International Airport's survey of other airlines this month found that as many as 90 % of potential passengers have stated that it is the biggest reason for them to dismiss the idea of going abroad after dismissal.

Britain cancels the pre -fly detection and immediately attract passengers to book tickets

It also proves that once the epidemic prevention restrictions or forced testingEssenceBritish Airlines and Virgin Atlantic Airlines reported that the number of tickets for reservations had increased greatly after Britain's cancellation of coronary detection before the boarding was canceled last month.Britain also had to do the regulations for crown disease detection after the after -after -afters.At present, the aviation industry also lobby the US government's regulations on the test of coronary disease before the United States government cancels the boarding.