Li Yuexia sort out

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Leaders showed yesterday that European countries will work together to avoid the outbreak of European outbreaks.Ukraine Foreign Minister also said that the efforts of European diplomatic coordination are playing a role, but the friction between Ukraine and Russia has not yet eased.

French President Macron, German Chancellor, Tsutz, and Poland President Duda met in Berlin yesterday to discuss how to deal with the current challenges of Europe.The leaders of the Three Kingdoms emphasized that Europe must achieve the goal of maintaining European peace through diplomatic actions, clear information, and unity and unity.The leaders of the Three Kingdoms believe that the hope of avoiding the war is still there, and now they have to find a solution to avoid war.

Macron pointed out that to continue to talk to Russia, this is the only way to resolve Russia's fear of invasion of Ukraine.He said Russian President Putin told him that "Russia would not be the source of crisis upgrades."

He also said that the "possibility" of the progress of the negotiations on the conflict of eastern Ukraine exists; he also believes that it may find a "specific and practical plan" to alleviate Russia's tension with the West.

Macron also reported to Tsold and Duda that he visited the results of Moscow and Moscow and went to Kiev on Tuesday on Monday.Contrary to the United States and British leaders, Macron faded the possibility of Russia who may quickly invade Ukraine.

He told reporters the day before yesterday that he never thought Putin would make concessions at any moment, but he believed that his talks with Putin played a role in preventing the Russian crisis from further upgrading.

After leaving Moscow, Macron kept to Kiev and talks with the Ukrainian President Zellezki.Macron believes that all parties can try to alleviate the Ukraine crisis."The words and deeds of all parties need to be calm."

He said that both Putin and Zelezi told him that they were committed to maintaining the principle of the 2014 Minus peace agreement;The agreement provides them with the way to solve the current dispute.

Zeleiski shows that he may have a doubt about any guarantee that Macron may get from Putin.He said: "I don't believe in empty vernacular. I think that through specific behaviors, we can see through every politician."

Six Russian warships have gone to Black Sea via Turkey in the past two days

Ukraine Foreign Minister Culba said yesterday, "The situation of Ukraine and Russia is still tight, but it is still under control. With the efforts of diplomatic efforts from all parties, the tension atmosphere has been reduced."

He pointed out, "European countries' response to the Ukrainian crisis will be left and right in the future of Europe and the future of each European country."It is announced that the six Russian landing ships are crossing the Dadanier Strait and the Bosptruz Strait from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea to perform a naval exercise in the east, saying that this is "the planned military resource mobilization."Reuters also quoted Turkish sources that the day before yesterday and yesterday, three Russian warships went to the Black Sea through the two straits in Turkey.