The tribal history of more than 400 years of tribal history, Cangyuan's Cangyuan Qiang Autonomous County, Yingdiao Ethnic Township, Wengding Village, the Township Township, China, has a serious fire in the evening of the third day of the year (14th), and was extinguished until late at night yesterday.

According to the official Weibo of the Propaganda Department of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, after the full organization of the organization, the Minghuo had been extinguished at 23:15 on the 14th. No casualties were crowded. At present, Yuhuo is cleaning up. The reason for the fire is under further investigation.

According to China CCTV, the villagers at the scene after the fire said: "Basically it has been burned, 105 houses, there are only four now."

Surging News previously reported that Weng Dingcun secretly had a tribal history in the valley of the La La Township of the Dai Dai people in the Kok Kok. Weng Ding meant to be "where the clouds surrounded by the clouds."

The public information posted in Wengding Village shows that before 1949, it was still at the end of the primitive society.Lighting the original life of oil and rope notes.It is called "the last primitive tribe in China" and is currently the most complete original ecological Pushen Village in China.