Deng Bingqiang, Director of the Hong Kong Police Department, emphasized that low lethal weapons include the recently launched tear guns and pepper ball bombs.This is due to the consideration of reducing force. While ensuring safety, it provides multiple options for the police to achieve the purpose of law enforcement with lower force.

(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) The Hong Kong Police Force is studying the introduction of a variety of low -lethal weapons including electric guns, so that the use of lower force in the future can achieve the purpose of law enforcement.

According to the Gonggong Wenhui all media reports, Deng Bingqiang, director of the Hong Kong Police Department, visited Changzhou yesterday to cheer up the duty police officers who maintain social security and order.When asked if the police would add a electric gun, he did not respond positively, but emphasized that the Police Police positively studied many different low -letpigo weapons. The purpose was to have other choices to reduce force except for real guns.

Deng Bingqiang emphasized that low lethal weapons include the recently launched tear guns and pepper bullet pistols.This is due to the consideration of reducing force. While ensuring safety, it provides multiple options for the police to achieve the purpose of law enforcement with lower force.

Refutming and improving force questioning "The first consideration is security"

This is not the first time that Deng Bingqiang responded to the problem of electric gun.According to the Ming Pao, he did not deny the Hong Kong Police Force ’s introduction to the introduction of electric guns at the press conference on the 16th of last month, admitting that Hong Kong Police Correction has studied new weapons that can“ replace real guns ”to reduce the overall use of force.

Deng Bingqiang emphasized that this statement was absolutely wrong about the question of the Hong Kong police that he wanted to improve his force.Police have been reviewing equipment and tactics. When choosing new weapons, the first consideration is safety.

Hong Kong 01 learned from sources last month that the Hong Kong police plan plans to increase the equipment options of the daily duty of police officers, and initially plan to introduce electric guns for daily execution, not specifically used for riot, expected of the force of electric guns, which is expectedThe level will be higher than the alarm.

On January 15th, the Hong Kong Democratic Party Legislative Councilor Ku Junyu had asked the Security Director Li Jiachao at the Legislative Council.Li Jiachao did not deny at the time, and said that any way to help the police effectively handle the thugs and reduce the risk of injury to the public. The Security Bureau will support it.

The electric gun is also called an electric shock stick. The current is used as an attack kinetic energy, which makes the attacker lose its counterattack.Hong Kong's civil rights observation issued a report as early as last March, criticizing the danger of the Hong Kong government's diluting electric guns.Civil Rights Observation Member Wang Haoxian quoted Reuters reports that since the United States has used electric guns in the early 2000s, at least 1081 people have died after being hit by electric shock guns. The International Amnesty Organization also showed that a total of 18 people in the UK were killed by electric guns.

Civil rights observation believes that the Hong Kong police have admired weapons such as handcuffs, batons and pepper spray, not no other choice.Equipped with electric guns may be greedy for police officers, and when unnecessary "jump" uses a electric gun.Moreover, electric guns are not suitable for use in the community and have great intimidation to the people; if they are used in densely crowded parade or rally, it may affect innocent.