(Washington Composite Electric) Many countries around the world have not yet enjoyed the benefits of 5G networks. The next round of geopolitical competition in the field of telecommunications technology has begun to heat up. Which country first successfully developed 6G networks is the biggest winner.

Bloomberg analysis pointed out that although the 6G network is estimated to be a fact after more than 10 years, the United States and China's battle against 6G at this stage has been fierce.

The director of the research department of Nokia Bell Laboratory said that to some extent, this has become a military reserve competition. "To maintain competitiveness, you must organize a research team."

Although the pressure of the former Trump administration brought a heavy blow to the Chinese technology company, it still could not stop China's rise to become a 5G leader.

For today, the United States must develop 6G to have the opportunity to recover the lost land in the field of wireless technology.The speed of 6G networks may be 100 times faster than the 5G network, and its technological ability is very amazing.

The US Consulting Company Frost Sullivan information and communication technology director Gandi said: "Unlike 5G competition, North America will seize the opportunity this time, and will not easily let a generation of technology technologyLeaders slip away from their hands. Obviously, the competition of 6G leadership will be more intense than 5G. "

China's 6G development has been in front of the United States.The Canadian media reported that the launch of satellites in China last November was to test the possibility of 6G transmission, and Huawei set up a 6G research center in Canada.

China Communication Equipment Manufacturer ZTE (ZTE) also jointly developed 6G with the communications company China Unicom (Hong Kong).

Washington draws multiple 6G front

However, the United States obviously can't ignore it.Considering that the United States had previously strictly targeted Chinese technology companies, such as the US Department of Commerce banned ZTE from purchasing US technology for three months in 2018, leading to ZTE almost closed down.Similar methods may be applied to Huawei so that Huawei's 6G development plans can be defeated.

Bloomberg revealed that Washington has begun to draw multiple 6G fronts. The US Telecom Industry Solutions Alliance (ATIS) announced the establishment of Next G Alliance in October last year to promote North America's leadership in 6G and future mobile technology.

ATIS consisting of 150 member companies, members include large technology companies Apple, telecommunications giant AT & T, Qualcomm, Google and Samsung Electronics, but Huawei is not among them.

Analysis pointed out that due to the distrust of China, democratic countries are worried that Beijing will use 5G technology to strengthen dictatorship.

China now uses monitoring cameras, artificial intelligence, Facebook recognition technology and biometrics to track and control the people, and 6G can be technically monitoring of large -scale drones, which makes the outside world more worried that once China has mastered China6G technology is even more desired.