The State Administration of Radio and Television of China issued an announcement saying that the BBC World News Center reported that the content of the report on China reported that the content of violations of the news should be authentic and fair, and it is forbidden to continue to land in China.According to the analysis, if the contradiction between China and Britain has intensified, this media war will be further upgraded, and journalists of the two countries may be implicated.

Chen Jing [email protected]

Shanghai Special Commissioner

The confrontation between China and Britain extends from the diplomatic field to the news agency.After the British authorities revoked China Global Television (CGTN) last week, after the local license, China sacrificed the BBC (BBC) World News Station to refuse to accept its application for landing in China.According to the analysis, if the contradiction between China and Britain has intensified, this media war will be further upgraded, and journalists of the two countries may be implicated.

As the Chinese New Year's bell sounded, the State Administration of Radio and Television of China issued an announcement that the report of the World News (BBC World News) reported that the content of the report on China should be true and fair.The authorities prohibit the world news from the world in China for the harm of the national interests of China and the destruction of national unity.

Radio Hong Kong no longer broadcasts BBC International Channel

The World News Station is allowed to be played in only individual international hotels and diplomatic agencies in China.After the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television was released, Hong Kong Radio (RTHK), Hong Kong (RTHK), a Hong Kong public broadcasting institution, also announced that from 11 o'clock the night before, it will not broadcast the BBC International Channel and the "BBC Times One Week" program.

BBC subsequently responded that she was disappointed with the decision of the Chinese authorities.The company's spokesman said: "BBC is the world's most trusted international news broadcast institution. It reports on a fair, impartiality, fearless and favorable attitude around the world."

EU call for China to revoke the ban

British Foreign Minister Labu posted a Twitter, criticizing China's deprivation of the freedom of pressing, which is unacceptable. This move "only damage the image of China in the eyes of the world."The European Union also issued a statement yesterday calling on China to revoke the ban on the World News Station, and said that the move violated the Chinese Constitution and the World Human Rights Declaration.U.S. State Department spokesman Prince condemned Beijing on the one hand to restrict foreign media freely operating in China, but on the other hand, it used the free and open media environment to "promote false information".

The People's Daily published a comment on the signature "Bell" (the "Voice of China") in the Yue News Edition yesterday to respond to the condemnation of Western society.This article entitled "China will never accept fake news" pointed out that lies maker must call "freedom of news reports", but this is not the same as the freedom to create lies, let alone become a fake news and malicious attacks that discredit other countries.Exclusive and shields, the General Administration of Radio, Film and Television is "compliant and legal, reasonable" for BBC.

The article criticized the BBC's reports on the topic of crown disease and Xinjiang, ignoring the facts and violating the professional ethics of the journalism.The article believes that the BBC should be involved and "abandon the Cold War Thinking" and stop publishing reports of "unfairness, not objective, and irresponsible".

China and Britain have become increasingly fierce on issues such as Hong Kong and Xinjiang for several months.The British authorities revoked its broadcast license in the UK on the grounds of CGTN "controlled by the CCP" last Thursday (4th).China immediately accused the BBC report on the crown disease epidemic and Xinjiang's "re -education camp" (Chinese officially known as the Vocational Skills Education and Training Center) as "fake news" and asked the other party to apologize publicly.

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at the Nanyang University of Science and Technology, Singapore Nanyang University of Technology, interpreted during an interview with Lianhe Morning Post. Chinese officials did not criticize the BBC report for the first time, but in the context of the deterioration of Sino -British relationReports from China are considered to be deliberately discredited, which explains why countermeasures for BBC are more severe to a certain extent.

Li Mingjiang believes that the current Sino -British relations are similar to the trajectory of contradictions between China and Australia, China, and the United States.If the relationship between the two countries cannot stop the loss in time, the BBC incident may be further fermented, and it may even affect other media institutions and even journalists.

"This incident is not an isolated phenomenon. In recent years, with the increase in China's strength and the increase in foreign publicity, the propaganda model of Chinese media and the increasing contrast between Western countries to China.Whether the single political narrative and publicity of Chinese media can be accommodated and accepted by the external world, especially the diversified Western society. "