(Moscow) Russia announced that it has upgraded the Northern Fleet into an independent military region. The move has highlighted that the Arctic region has become the focus of Russia's military strategy. How Russia has attracted much attention to China in the future.

The Voice of the United States reported that Russian President Putin recently signed an order to upgrade the Northern Fleet to the fifth largest military region after the four major military regions of the east, west, southern, and central regions from January 1 next year.In the past, the Kommy Republic, Nenez Autonomous Region, Murmansk and Alhangersk's defense were also responsible for the North Fleet; the large land in these four places was located in the Arctic Circle.

Analysts pointed out that the promotion of the northern fleet defense direction of the military region is concentrated on the Arctic and Arctic channels, indicating that the Arctic region is one of the focus of the Russian military strategy.

The Northern Fleet Command Department is located in the Arctic Circle.However, with the intensification of the game around the North Pole, the Northern Fleet was separated from the Western Military Region in 2014 and formed the Northern Fleet Joint Strategic Command.

At the same time, Russia has continuously increased its military investment in the Arctic, including the construction of a large number of ice -breaking boats, the construction of new military facilities in the Arctic region, and the repair of old facilities, and the development of various armed and equipment for the environment for the Arctic region.

Today, in addition to the traditional navy surface ships and submarines, the Northern Fleet also commands a large number of army and air defense forces in the Arctic region. The fleet's military bases are located on the coast of the Arctic Ocean and the islands along the line.

In recent years, the Northern Fleet holds a military exercise every year in the North Pole.The Russian government also requires that foreign ships on the Arctic Waterway must notify Russia in advance and use Russian water diversion officers, otherwise Russia will stop or even destroy foreign ships.

In addition to Russia, China is also actively expanding its existence in the Arctic.The white paper in the 2018 Chinese Arctic Policy mentioned that Beijing actively participated in the Arctic affairs and especially emphasized that China is a country near the Arctic.

In recent years, Chinese cargo ships have also used more Arctic channels.In response to Russia's attempting to dominate the Arctic and Arctic Channel, how China responded to attention.