(London Composite Electric) British Prime Minister Johnson's party storm has not yet subsided, and has been revealed to have a new cluster scandal. After investigation of senior government officials, the London police also followed up the investigation. The political storm became more and more intense.

Dick, the director of the London Metropolitan District Police, said on Tuesday that the police had held a party one after another during the investigation of the crown disease blockade, which may violate the epidemic prevention regulations.The British Guardian quoted sources as saying that official investigations found that shocking evidence showed that Tangning Street was "seriously incorrect management."The official investigation results of the official investigation of the cabinet office official and senior civil servant Gray will be announced within this week.Daily Telecommunications quoted sources saying that the police guarding Tangning Street had accepted Gray's questioning and provided "extremely unfavorable" evidence.

This incident caused heated discussions, and the British media repeatedly revealed on Monday that the Prime Minister's government acknowledged Johnson's fiancee at the time, that is, the current Prime Minister Simmmmmmmmenz held a birthday party for him on June 19, 2020. How much is there?Thirty people attended.At that time, the British banned indoor social gatherings, and the number of outdoor gatherings was limited to six.

The British media independent TV network (ITV) reported that Johnson attended the 56th birthday party held in the cabinet room at 2 pm that day.It is reported that a cake was sent to Johnson, and Simmmmmmmmen led the staff to sing a birthday song.Birthdays will place snacks and birthday cakes, which lasted 20 to 30 minutes.

A interior designer Littel was attended at the time. She was not an official of the Prime Minister's Palace.Leitel designed a new home for the Johnson couple. She said through a spokesman that she went to Prime Minister's palace for the decoration of Johnson's apartment. At that time, she only stayed in the conference room for a short time.Tangning Street explained that the officials of the day were briefly partying after the meeting, and Johnson only stayed for less than 10 minutes.Tangning Street also denied that ITV refers to the party in the Prime Minister's private residence after Johnson.

Johnson has been repeatedly revealed that the scandal has caused anger. The conservative party whip warning, Johnson may not be able to stop in the dismissal motion.To challenge Johnson's Prime Minister's status, 54 of the 359 conservative members of the parliament must submit a faithful letter.

A senior member estimates that of the chief minister, chief private secretary, and the vice chairman of the Conservative Party, one -third of the ministerial salary members may not trust Johnson's vote, so Johnson gets it.Relying on the support of at least half of the back seat councilors.

Prime Minister's violation of the group regulations: only the corner of the iceberg

Some members said on Monday night that they were angry with Johnson's violations of the epidemic prevention regulations and believed that they also believed inThese incidents disclosed by the media are just the tip of the iceberg.It is known that most members now want to understand Gray's investigation report before deciding whether to oppose Johnson.

The Guardian reported that the Labor Party was preparing to force the Gray to announce the complete investigation report on the Johnson government's violations of regulations on the day of the opposition debate on the opposition of the opposition, so as not to announce the summary of the investigation only.

Former Chief Special Counsel of Johnson, Kamina said on Monday that there would be more destructive news until Johnson stepped down.Kamina said he had submitted written evidence to Gray, but warned that some officials would be retaliated by Johnson after being worried about the evidence.According to the Guardian, Gray has assured officials that they are protected to a certain degree.

Johnson is in a scandal. His competitors in the Conservative Party, Sonak, and Foreign Minister Tras, are considered popular candidates for the new Prime Minister.