Two new cases of local crown disease diagnosis and a symptom of non -symptoms were added.Zhao Jikai, Deputy Secretary -General of the People's Government of Shenyang City, announced today that Shenyang City immediately launched an emergency response, comprehensively entered the state of wartime, investigated the risks in all aspects, and resolutely prevent the spread of the epidemic.

According to CCTV news reports, Zhao Jikai said at a press conference of epidemic prevention and control in Shenyang City, Liaoning held this afternoon that recent crown disease diagnosis cases have occurred in Shenyang.Send a number of experts to guide and support the epidemic prevention and control work.

Zhao Jikai also said that the current "two sections" (New Year and Spring Festival) are approaching.Standard and strictest requirements, keep the critical period of preventing and controlling the epidemic in this winter and spring, effectively eliminate the risk of proliferation of the epidemic, and ensure that the people of Shenyang City spend peace, joy, and peace.