A latest report from the Royal United British United Three Army Institute believes that China has achieved obvious technological leadership in Russia in most areas of fighter development.In addition, due to the disadvantages of deep industrial structure and budget, Russia loses its leadership once, and it is difficult to catch up again.Chinese experts said that Western media conducted relevant reports on the one hand to rendering China's threat theory, arguing that China's threats have surpassed Russia's threats, and on the other hand, it also makes the taste of some separated Sino -Russian relations.

An article published by the BBC website on the 13th entitled that the Chinese fighter drove Russia: The post -war World Air Force pattern dramatic reports reported that China's imitation Russian fighter aircraft has begun to surpass the original Russian fighter aircraft.It is reported that the J-11 heavy fighter manufactured by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation is the Su-27 of the Chinese version.China has made a large number of modernization improvements on this platform, including a large number of composite materials to improve the push -to -fighter push ratio.The report believes that the new type of J-11D in China is installed with active phase-control array radar and an electronic warfare device. It has a larger weapon loading capacity, which has exceeded the most advanced derivative Su-35 in the Su-27 family.

The report also stated that China's J-16, that is, the Chinese version of the Su-30, has also been greatly improved.The main improvement includes the installation of a active phase -control array radar, which increases the use of composite materials to reduce weight.The aircraft is also equipped with all digital and glass-based two-seater cabins, and matches the precision missiles made in China. It is also installed with a new type of electric lighting system called Yings-III.Hand sight.

The Royal United Three Army Research Institute reports that since the service in 2015, the J-16 will replace the (Chinese) Air Force and the Navy Air Force's Su-30MKK and MK2 within 10 years.machine.

The article on the Forbes News Network was proposed after counting the history of the Chinese imitation Soviet fighter that apprentices may exceed the master.Forbes News Network said that China is leading Russia in composite materials, active phase -control array radars, and long -range air -to -air missiles.It is reported that in the past 10 years, China has begun to deploy two high -performance over -the -sight air -to -air missiles.Among them, the Perak-12 performance is close to the US AIM-120C missile and surpasses the Russian R-77 missile.China has also developed the Perak-15 missile, which can even reach the range of the latest AIM-120D missile in the United States.The two-pulse engine of Perak-15 also has enough energy when it is close to the target.At the same time, Russia encountered difficulties in equipped with sufficient R-77-1 missiles.However, the Russian Air Force will indeed be equipped with a small amount of R-33 and R-37M ultra-long-range missiles. At present, China and the United States have not yet directly corresponded to the R-33 and R-37M missile models.

According to the BBC report, regarding the light fighter, the report said that the J-10 fighter family of Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group (Chengfei) is obviously more effective and more flexible, and is better than the MiG-29 and MiG-35 series that is better than Russia's old qualifications.In addition, the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation's J-31 stealth fighter may become the main fighter model outside the West in the international market in a few years.

In terms of high-end fighters, Chengfei's J-20 became the only four-generation fighter officers other than the F-35 and F-22 of the United States Middot; Martin's F-35 and F-22.The report said that China will create hundreds of F-20 family fighters in the next 10 years, which will be the most important threat to Western air superior fighters.The Russian Su-57 stealth fighter has not been equipped with a troops, and it lacks the basic design characteristics required for stealth.However, the report believes that the Su-57 can still make up for the shortcomings of the Su-27 family fighter, such as the invisible and active phase control array radar.In addition, China is still actively developing a variety of unmanned combat aircraft (UCAV).

The report also predicts that Russia may import sensors and missile technology from China in the next 10 years.The report said that to become a reality, the Russian government must overcome the distrust of the Russian -China military field, and Russia's deep pride, as well as their dedication to their national aviation industry.However, the author of the report believes that the advantages of Chinese radars, (air -to -air missiles) and aiming pods are increasing, which may become the driving force for Russia's imports, especially when Russia faces the new generation of fighters in the West.sex.

However, the report also emphasized that Russia is still leading China in the engine field. In addition, most Russia's aviation equipment has been tested by actual combat, and China's aviation equipment rarely has this opportunity.

However, according to the Global Times, Chinese experts have pointed out that the Chinese aviation industry has indeed made great progress in recent years, and has achieved the transformation of the world's aerial power from unbeatable to the back, to the backbone of the same stage.Some equipment levels do reach the world's first echelon.In contrast, due to the long -term economic downturn after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Russian aviation industry has developed slowly in some aspects.It is not surprising if China and Russia are complementary in some technical fields.

However, experts say that it should be noted that Western think tanks or media are good. The advancement of Chinese aviation technology is obviously not happy for China's achievements.One of the main purpose is to hype Chinese threats.For example, the author of this report believes that the Western Air Force after World War II mainly faced the Soviet Union and the air and ground threats of Russia.However, from the perspective of aircraft and weapons, high -end fighters, sensors and weapons developed by China are driving Russia.Therefore, the reporter believes that the major air threats faced by Western air forces are the biggest changes since World War II.This highlights China's military threat.

On the other hand, this report and Western media reports may also have the meaning of provoking Sino -Russian relations.

In fact, China does not need to take the report of the British think tank too much.British media reports did not have a particularly reliable data foundation, and to a large extent, they wanted to take it for granted.For example, China's active phase control array radar surpasses Russia's active phase control array radar, but the report does not come up with specific parameters to support it.The report also has obvious low-level errors, such as mixing the attack-11 and the sword.This report is largely determined first, and then filled with arguments.Today, Chinese military planes are more advanced than Russia, and it may be much worse than the West tomorrow.