France-France France News Agency analysis pointed out pointed outThe crown disease epidemic did not calm down due to the emergence of Delta and Omir Rongjon's variants. American society is now more split.The gray face, from Afghanistan to withdraw his troops to fight his prestige, the Ukrainian crisis may once again hit the Bayeon government.

(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. President Biden is about to be over a year, but it cannot properly handle the national challenges of the country.In the future, governance and Democratic Party will bring a lot of pressure.

Agence France -Presse analyzed that the crown disease epidemic has not calmed down due to the appearance of the appearance of the transformed strains of Delta and Omikon, and the American society is now more split.Gongshou gave out the control of Congress; Diploma's diplomacy was also ashamed. From Afghanistan, the Ukraine crisis may once again hit the Bayeon government.

The latest polls of the University of Ninny Piak's recent announcement show that Biden's support rate is only 33 %.He still faces arduous challenges at the remaining term.

In the first half of 2021, Biden experienced the honeymoon period.At that time, the vaccination rate of crown diseases in the United States increased sharply, the economy was strong, and the unemployment rate decreased. His support rate remained at a level of 54 %; but since August last year, the support rate has continued to decline.Biden's staff defended his achievements that although the Democratic Party had only a weak advantage in the two houses, he won a package of rescue facilities and $ 1.2 trillion in large -scale infrastructure construction in Parliament in the two houses.bill.

At the beginning of Biden, he made many promises to voters: healing democratic wounds, overcoming epidemic conditions, solving deep -rooted races and economic problems, and restoring the reputation of the United States worldwide.Today, none of them seemed to be done today.

The support rate of Omikon's epidemic has fallen from 69 % to 46 %

Bynden really did not have a success in the beginning. Last yearOn the day of Independence, the United States announced that the United States had escaped the epidemic.However, Delta immediately struck in the summer, and the epidemic broke out again. In December, Omikon also appeared, which made him accused.His anti -epidemic strategy was recognized by 69 % at the beginning of his office, and today it has slipped to 46 %.

From the perspective of some economic indicators, Bayeng has been in office for one year, and the US economic performance is not bad.In 2021, the stock market and employment growth were high, and the unemployment rate was only 3.9 %.However, the inflation rate reached a record high of 7 % in December last year.For several months, Biden's economic adviser insisted that the higher inflation was only temporary, and it obviously underestimated its severity.Some economists even believe that inflation will remain around 7 % in the next few months.

Brown, Dean of the Graduate School of Political Science, George Washington University, said that in view of Biden's experience and knowledge, voters have high hopes for him and believe that he can let all the United States go to track and return to normal.However, this is not the case.

Brown believes that the Biden team is full of idealism, and delusionally he can follow the former President Roosevelt lead the United States through the Great Depression of the 1930s, and also rejuvenated the United States."Their optimism, coupled with confidence in them, believes that they can solve all problems and make them embark on a arrogant road."It is true that Biden's challenge is so arduous, and many of them have exceeded the scope of any president. However, this year, Bayeng's way of dealing with difficult issues has caused more and more doubts."