(Kiev Comprehensive Electric) The United States refers to Ukraine's situation extremely dangerous to the situation in Ukraine.Russia may attack Ukraine at any time.The British Ministry of Foreign Affairs is said to be preparing to deal with the "crisis model" in response to the opposition of Russia and Ukraine.Tomorrow, the US -Russian Foreign Minister will meet in Geneva, trying to resolve the crisis through diplomacy.

U.S. Secretary of State Brills arrived at Kiev yesterday to discuss the threat of Russia with Ukrainian leaders.Brinken pointed out that in recent months, Russia has mobilized the army on the border near Ukraine without being provoked and unreasonable.He said that Russia has also been prepared to mobilize more troops in a very short time; this gives Russian President Putin's ability to launch an aggression against Ukraine in a short time.

Brinken called on Putin to choose the "path of peace", and he said that it would be determined by Putin.Brinken warns that if Putin does not choose the road of diplomatic, it is "to fight, there will be serious consequences."

At present, Russia has adjusted tens of thousands of troops at the border near Ukraine; on Monday, Russia mobilized troops to enter White Ross.According to Beros, this is prepared for joint military exercises next month.

At the same time, Ukraine also actively responded and sought for Western countries to provide support in military.Britain said on Monday that a group of anti -tank weapons began to transport a batch of anti -tank weapons to Ukraine.

Russia proposes security guarantee to hope that Western countries have written reply

Yesterday, the Kremlin spokesman Peskov pointed out that the tension of the surrounding Ukraine is increasing.A batches of arms were transported, and military exercises appeared one after another, and NATO military aircraft were constantly hovering.Germany and other countries should pay attention to these developments.Peskov once again stated that Russia had previously put forward security suggestions, hoping that Western countries will give a written reply a few days in the next few days.

On Tuesday, Brincken and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov made a phone call. The two thought that face -to -face talks would be helpful.Lavrov also said that Moscow welcomed US diplomatic efforts and once again accused Ukraine of being "destroyed" to end the conflict between the Ukrainian government forces and the pro -Russian splitors in eastern Ukraine.

U.S. State Council spokesman Pryce issued a statement after the two talked to the phone saying: "Russia's military assembly in Ukraine is deeply disturbed. Secretary of State emphasized that it continued to cool the tension through diplomatic channels to cool down the tension situation through diplomatic channels.Important. "Prior to Pryce said:" Before this visit, we had extensively communicated with European allies and partners, and discussed a unified method to cope with Russia's threat to Ukraine. "

According to people familiar with the matterThe British Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials received a notice this week to prepare for the "crisis model" for the opposition of Russia and Ukraine, which means that the British Foreign Ministry has to adjust the situation of Russia and Ukraine, and the focus of how to respond includes deterrence and sanctions.

At the same time, German Foreign Minister Berbak explained that when he visited Moscow on Tuesday, if Russia used energy as a weapon, Europe would use the Beixi No. 2 project to transport natural gas to Western Europe as a way to counter Russia.