(New York Composite Electric) UN Secretary -General Guterres emphasized at the World Economic Forum on Monday that to get rid of the current crown disease, countries around the world must ensure that everyone is vaccinated.

Gutres made a speech through video: "In the past two years, it has proved a simple but cruel fact -if we let anyone fall behind, it will make everyone behindLet everyone inoculate the coronary vaccine, which will only cause new variants to spread cross -border transmission, causing daily life and economic operation to fall into a pause. "

He pointed out that the international community must" respond to the epidemic fairly and fairly and fairly"" ".He said that the goal set by WHO last fall was to vaccinate 40 % of the population at the end of last year. By the middle of this year, 70 % of the population was completed. "But we are far away from this goal now."

He said: "Ashamed, the vaccination rate of high -income countries is seven times higher than that of African countries. We need to be equal for vaccines now."

Gutres calls onThe international community cooperates to make 2022 a real year of recovery, and urges business leaders to support developing countries to obtain vaccines, while assisting in responding to climate crisis and reforming the global financial system.

Gutres pointed out in his speech that inequality and unfairness made tens of millions of people difficulties. All countries should unite to support supporting countries and people who need help most.

He warns that if inequality and poverty continue to be dealt with in time, these problems will further deteriorate, bringing more social turmoil and violence."We can no longer bear such instability."

Gutres mentioned that the economic recovery of economic recovery of various countries is different, and low -income countries are at a disadvantage."The fiscal burdens caused by the slowest economic growth of a generation, unprecedented high inflation, high interest rates, high interest rates, energy and grain prices, etc., impacted all corners of the world and obstructed recovery, especially low -income countries."