The Indian Defense Chief of Staff Bipin Rawat said yesterday that the tension between the Chinese and India troops on the border may cause a larger conflict, which increases India's concerns.

Based on Bloomberg and France and France, Lavat pointed out that the situation of the actual control line of China -India is very tight.The line is a de facto border between the eastern Ladaka region. Thousands of India and Chinese officers have been in confrontation for several months since this spring.

Lavat also said on the same day that he would not accept any movement of the actual control line.He said that in the overall safety considerations, we must not consider the evolution of boundary confrontation, cross -border, and unreasonable tactical military operations into greater conflicts, so it cannot be ignored.Lawat was the above -mentioned remarks made by the eighth round of troops at the Eighth round of military -level troops in the Rataq on Friday's senior commander in India and the Chinese army.

Lawat also warned that India may have to face the dual conflict between Pakistan and China at the same time on its western and northern borders.

Lavat said that we have continued to rub with two neighboring countries with nuclear weapons. India has fought with these two neighboring countries. More and more behaviors show that the stability of the region constitutes a widespread danger.He also said that our territorial integrity and strategic cohesion may be threatened by further upgrading.

According to an Indian official, the talks may include the proposal that the Chinese side proposed by the Chinese side from Pang Gongcuo Hubei Shore.It is reported that the soldiers of the two countries confront each other separately.The official said that with the support of artillery and armored vehicles, the infantry force also confronted the south bank of the lake, and China has been trying to promote the Indian side withdrawal.