The Pakistani Army Chief of Staff Qamar Javed Bajwa watched the mobile and shooting demonstration of Pakistan's new main battle tank on September 22.From the perspective of tank coating and armored structure, the Pakistani army used the VT-4 main battle tank delivered by China in the first half of this year.Chinese media commented that Pakistani may now have two main tanks with excellent performance, which may be unacceptable bad news for the Indian Army.

According to the Global Times, in the video demonstrated by the Pakistan tank, it can be seen that the off -road maneuverability of this advanced tank and the shooting capabilities between the march.However, the Pakistani tank gun commander does not seem to fully master the use of fire control systems, and can only fire in low -speed exercise.In contrast, in the Armored Day activities, Chinese companies used VT-4 tanks to advance at a high speed, and fired the shells to accurately hit their targets.

The Global Times analysis said that not long ago, the Pakistani Army also publicly demonstrated the improved version of the VT-1 Hald tank and invited representatives from China and Ukraine to attend.Solution.In this way, the Pakistani army has two main tanks with excellent performance.

The article commented that this may be extremely difficult to accept for the Indian Army.India is currently equipped with about 2,400 main battle tanks.Most of them are T-72 series with low combat effectiveness, and more than 600 are newer T-90S tanks.Although the T-90S is excellent in the protection level, other aspects are poor.

The article states that it is not yet known how much VT-4 has received the Pakistani military, but from the perspective of Chinese enterprises, this scale order will not put pressure on production capacity.

The Global Times wrote in the article that Pakistan's VT-4 has greatly strengthened the armor protection of the front of the car body and the front of the turret, and the side protection seems to have not improved significantly.So this conclusion is obtained: this tank is used to attack.At the end of the article: I do n’t know if the Indian Army agrees with this?

Both Pakistan and India have claimed to have sovereignty over Kashmir region.In 1948, the two countries were negotiated with a ceasefire in the United Nations intervention. After the two countries were withdrawn to the ceasefire line, the issue of belonging failed to solve the problem.Last year, the two countries also reduced the level of bilateral diplomatic relations and trade interruptions due to the issue of Kashmir's autonomy.

When China and India fell into a deadlock due to border issues, Pakistan's relationship with India has recently turned sharply.India has accused Pakistan in violation of the ceasefire agreement along the control line along the Jammore and Kashmir region, and the Indian army launched a retaliated blow.The Pakistani Dawn reported on the 22nd that Pakistani Foreign Minister Koulech said that India has strengthened the good remarks on Pakistan, including threats to military aggression.