(Morning News) The Philippine Minister of Defense announced that the Philippines will purchase 32 new black hawk helicopters for more than $ 620 million (S $ 836 million).This is the latest procurement of the Philippines to upgrade its aging military equipment.

Agence France-Presse reported that the Philippine Defense Minister Lorenzana said that the Philippines and US defense manufacturers Lockheed Martin, a Poland company, the first batch of orders, 32 S-70i Black Eagle helicoptersIt will start delivery next year.He said these helicopters will be used for humanitarian assistance and disaster response.

Lorenzana pointed out that crown diseases are popular and Typhoon Audit in 2021 highlights the serious lack of transportation and helicopters in the country.He said: "Our aging Shuangxiu Iei helicopter is no longer in line with economic benefits, making the situation even worse."

According to reports, the Philippine government has booked it under 16 S-70i Black Hawk helicopters last year to replaceTwo Hui helicopters that occur frequently occur.

In addition to the long -term rebellion of communism and Muslim soldiers, the Philippines also faces China's growing sovereign disputes in China.

Lorenzana announced on Friday (January 14) that the Philippines and India reached a military purchase agreement.Anti -ship missile system to strengthen its navy defense.

A few weeks ago, the Philippines also ordered two new warships to Hyundai South Korea for $ 556 million.