Jiang Guiying [email protected]

North Korea tried again in shooting exercises on the 14thFire two railway mobile tactical missiles.This is the second time North Korea launched a short -range ballistic missile on the train after September last year.

The North Korean Society reported yesterday that the North Korean People's Army Railway Motor Missile Group launched two railway mobile tactical missiles on the morning of the 14th to accurately crack down on the target of the North Korean East China Sea.

It is reported that the purpose of this launch is to test the preparation status of the railway motorized missile team combatant and improve the capacity of missile launch.The North Korean Army Commander highly evaluated the rapid maneuverability and high hit rate of railway motorized missiles in training, and discussed the problem of further improving the combat method of railway maneuver missiles.

From the photos sent by the North Korean Society, the "KN-23" (Korean version of the Iskhandel missile) on the train sprayed the flame and rushed into the air.North Korea also launched missiles in this way on September 15 last year.

It is not easy to be identified by satellites and difficult to intercept the satellite.Fireting ballistic missiles is similar to the launch system developed and used in the former Soviet Union.The advantage of this system is that using the railway network laid in North Korea can launch missiles in any region. It is not easy to be identified by satellites beforehand, so it is difficult to intercept it.

Different from the test of the hypersonic missile on the 11th, the leader Kim Jong -un did not visit himself.

The North Korean Academy of Defense was successfully fired on January 5th and 11th, respectively, and Kim Jong -un watched and guided the test shooting on the 11th.After firing ballistic missiles in North Korea, South Korean Foreign Minister Zheng Yirong and US Secretary of State Brosky made calls on Friday.

The State Department of the United States stated that Secretary of State Brillin condemned North Korea for launching ballistic missiles, and pointed out that North Korea's launch missiles violated a number of UN Security Council's resolutions and emphasized that it is necessary to continue to conduct consultations between South Korea, America, and Japan.At the same time, he emphasized that the United States' commitment to South Korea's security is still unswerving.

Experts generally believe that North Korea has always advocated that the missile launch and exercise is to exercise self -defense, so such actions will continue to take such action in the future.