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(Washington/Kiev Composite Electric) U.S. officials warned that information shows that Russia has arranged agents to launch provocations in eastern Ukraine to launch provocationsTo invade Ukraine to make excuses.

U.S. intelligence even judged that Russia may start military operations within a few weeks, that is, the middle of this month to mid -February.

The White House spokesman Pusaki told reporters on Friday: "The information we receive shows that Russia has pre -deployed a group of agents to launch a marriage in eastern Ukraine. These agents have accepted the city warTraining will use explosives to make damage, and to deal with the agent forces of Russia itself. "

Puski also said that Russia has issued leave news on the Internet social media, accusing Ukraine infringe on human rights and West to provoke Ukraine's nervousness.situation."Doing this is to make Russia's intervention appear legitimacy and make differentiation in Ukraine."

US national security adviser Sha Liewen said that Russia swallowed Crimea and incited Udong rebellion in 2014I have adopted this means."We watched this set of script in 2014, and they were going to use the same script this time."

Kobe, a spokesman for the Pentagon, said that the intelligence held by the United States is "very reliable" and refers to Russian agents including agents, including Russian agents, including Russian agents, including Russian agents includingPersonnel of intelligence, military and security departments.

However, the Kremlin's palace immediately refers to the US statement "has no basis."

Russia has continued to increase troops near the Ukraine border recently. At present, about 100,000 people have been assembled, and military exercises are held from time to time, causing all parties to suspect that Russia is about to enter the army.

U.S. President Biden and Russian President Putin have conducted two telephone talks on the Ukrainian crisis.Biden warned Putin that if Russia invaded Ukraine, it would face serious economic sanctions.Putin has repeatedly denied that he wants to invade Ukraine, but requires West to give security guarantees, including the Peking University Convention Organization that will not continue to expand eastward.

Another official in the United States revealed that if Moscow allows the Ukraine crisis to upgrade, the United States may submit it to the United Nations Security Council for processing, that is, Washington still tends to solve problems through diplomatic plans.

A U.S. officials who are unwilling to name told the media on Friday: "All the possible response options of the Security Council are put on the table. We discuss these options with members of the Security Council and other partners in New York. We are studying to the Security Council.The appropriate time to ask questions. "

Due to the concerns of Russia's invasion, Ukrainian President Zeleiski proposed to hold a three -party talks with US President Biden and Russian President Putin.

Ye Ermack, Director of the Ukrainian Presidential Office, told the Washington Think Tank's Atlantic Council on Friday: "Zelei Sky suggests to President Biden ... Our response to Russia, our American partner to thisThe proposal has some interest. "

Zelei Sky also called for the summit to gather Ukraine, France, Germany and Russia to fight for the Ukrainian crisis.

On the other hand, Ukraine suffered a large -scale network attack on Friday.The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said preliminary evidence showed that the behind -the -scenes hacker was a hacker organization related to the Secret of Russia.The Ukraine Security Agency said that from Thursday evening to Friday, about 70 websites of Ukraine government agencies were attacked, and most of the websites were resumed and operated without any personal data leakage.

It is known that hackers seem to use the software management rights of third -party companies that develop these websites.Deddjak, deputy secretary -general of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council, said that the official is investigating who has obtained the software management right and they are obtained through external or inside.Pressing to this day.Since the Russian rebellion in eastern Ukraine, more than 13,000 people have died.