Has' sex scandal of Emanstein, an American woman, accused Prince Andrew who had sex with her sexual assault in 2001 who was under 18 years old and filed a civil lawsuit last year.

Andrew requires the failure of the lawsuit

The Andrew party requested to cancel the lawsuit, but the US New York local judge Kapland rejected Andrew's application on Wednesday, which means Andrew Ruo'sFailure to settle with Jifelida may face hearing in September this year.

A reconciliation agreement document signed by Jutry and Epustein in 2009 shows that Jifavery agreed to collect $ 500,000 (about S $ 670,000) to ensure that it will not go to the United States to go to the United States to go towards the United States.Epustein and those who are related to the potential defendants and entities adopt legal actions including claims, and will always be exempted from their legal responsibilities.

Capland pointed out in the ruling that the settlement agreement did not clearly explain the intention of benefiting the 61 -year -old Andrew. Therefore, the 38 -year -old Jewri has the right to pursue her complaint against Prince Andrew.

The team of Prince Andrew's lawyer refused to comment when they were questioned, and the British royal family was unwilling to respond to this lawsuit.