The United States announced the sanctions after firing the missile twice in North Korea.The US Treasury Department said sanctions are designed to prevent the plans of North Korea from making progress and prevent their attempts from spreading weapon technology.Nelson, deputy minister of the Ministry of Finance, said sanctions are targeted at North Korea's continuous use of overseas representatives of illegal procurement of weapons materials.

(Washington Composite Electric) After the missile launched the missile twice a week, the US government announced sanctions on the North Korean weapon development plan.The sanctions were targeted at six North Koreans, a Russian, and a Russian company that supplied materials to North Korea for weapons.

The U.S. Treasury Department said that these sanctions aimed at preventing the progress of North Korea's weapons and attempts to prevent its scattered weapon technology.Nelson, deputy minister of the Ministry of Finance, who is responsible for terrorism and financial intelligence, said sanctions are targeted at North Korea's continuous use of overseas representatives of illegal procurement of weapons materials.

In addition, the United States has also promoted the United Nations Security Council to include US sanctions on the blacklist of North Koreans and Russians, but this move must be unanimously consent from 15 members of the Security Council's North Korean Sanctions Committee.

The U.S. State Department has identified the activities or transactions of Russia's Choemyonghyon, Russian citizen Romanalar, and Russian company Parsekllc's proliferation.Cui Mingxuan is a representative of North Korea's Second Natural Sciences in Vladivostok and purchases communication equipment in Russia.

U.S. Secretary of State Brills said that Korean people Oyongho cooperated with Passak and Alar in Russia to purchase a variety of goods for ballistic missiles, including Kafla lines, aramid fibers, aviation fuel, rolling bearing and roller bearing and roller.Precision milling machine.Alar provided Wu Yonghao with a explanation information for making solid rocket fuel mixtures.

Brinken said: Wu Yonghao, Alar, and Passak's procurement and supply relationship is the key source of missile materials and technology in the North Korean missile plan.

The other four Korean people, Simkwangso, Kimsonghun, Kangcholhak, and Pyonkwangchol, are representatives of the second natural sciences institutions in China.Shen Guangxi purchased stainless steel alloys in Dalian, and Jin Songxun purchased software and chemicals in Shenyang.

The U.S. Treasury Department said that sanctions were launched for the six ballistic missiles of North Korea since September 2021, and the six launch violated a number of resolutions from the United Nations Security Council.

Scholars: Pyongyang is creating an impression of counterattack

On January 5th and 11th, North Korea tested missiles and was an advanced hypersonic missile.Nelson said that the latest launch of North Korea has further proved that despite the international community calling for diplomatic dialogue and nuclearization, North Korea continued to advance the banned weapon plan.

Jin Duyan, a senior researcher at the new American Security Center in Seoul, believes that Pyongyang is trying to create its impression that it has the ability to counterattack.

Kim Jong -un is likely to prove that although he has suffered severe economic sanctions, he can still strengthen North Korea's position among the global nuclear military countries.The more advanced weapon systems such as hypersonic missiles allow Kim Jong -un to have an advantage in future negotiations, so that he can threaten American allies such as South Korea and Japan, and the American base in Asia.

Kim Jong -un, a policy analyst at the US Think Tank, said: Kim Jong -un might make the United States realize that his threat potential not only increased, but also continuously expanded and had countless possibilities.In this way, he can not only improve his negotiating chips, but also have an unknown unknown that allows the United States and the international community to stand upset.