(Washington Reuters) Campbell, Indian Pacific Affairs Coordinator of the National Security Council, pointed out that the place where the United States is most likely to encounter unexpected strategic conditions is the Pacific region.His meaning clearly pointed out the ambition of China's might be established in the Pacific Islands.

Campbell said at a seminar at the International Strategic Research Center of Washington Think Tank on Monday: "If you ask me, where are we most likely to see the unexpected strategic situation ... It is likely to be in the Pacific OceanRegion. "

Campbell said that this is his" the most concerned about the next year or two. ""We only have time to cooperate with Australia, New Zealand, Japan, France and other partners who have interest relationships in the Pacific region to fully upgrade and strengthen our strength."

Campbell has not explained in detail the issues he is concerned about, But the Pacific Island State Kerbas Republicarian told Reuters last May that China has formulated an upgrade plan to improve the humble airport and bridge on Kanton Atoll on the Kuribas remote island.This reef is about 3,000 kilometers southwest of Hawaii, USA.

Since World War II, Kiribas has been closely related to the United States and its allies. The construction on the Campon Reef will be a foothold in the region.Kiribas said that the facilities on the reef are non -military projects and are mainly used for transportation and tourism.

Campbell said that the Pacific region has "huge morality, strategy and historical interests for the United States, but compared to Australia and New Zealand countries, the United States does not do enough in the region.He believes that the United States and its allies must take more actions in the Pacific region, including crown diseases, fishery issues, and investing in clean energy.