North Korea ’s supreme leader Kim Jong -un, at the meeting of the Central Military Commission of the Governor’ s Labor Party, ordered by the Central Military Commission of the Governor ’s Labor Party on Tuesday (23rd), suspended the President of the People's Army’ s plan to propose plans for South Korean military operations.(Agence France -Presse)

(Morning Post) North Korea ’s supreme leader Kim Jong -un decided to suspend plans for military operations against South Korea.

Reuters quoted the North Korean Society reported that at the meeting of the Central Military Commission of the Governor Labor Party hosted by Kim Jong -un, Kim Jong -un, he evaluated the recent development of the situation.Kim Jong -un ordered the world to suspend the Department of General Staff of the People's Army to propose a plan to issue military operations in South Korea.

The conference also discussed multiple documents on the proposal of major military policies, as well as countermeasures that reflect the deterrent of war deterrence.

According to reports, North Korea -South Korea relations have risen in the past few weeks. It originated from Pyongyang in early June to criticize the North Korea's groups in the South Korea.Kim Jong -un's sister and the first deputy minister of the Workers, Kim, and the critics who criticized the north on June 4 were garbage and human dregs, and were dissatisfied with the behavior of South Korea's indulgration to north, and asked Seoul to take action.On the 16th, Kim Heyan ordered the Boom -in -South Korea -DPRK liaison office at the Kaicheng Industrial Park of the Border.

Although the South Korean government demanded that the northern parties not to spread the anti -DPRK leaflets, some organizations stated on the 22nd that they put the balloon with anti -DPRK leaflets in the north of Pozhou, Gyeonggi -do, but may fall in South Korea.