Soldiers of the Indian Border Security Force stood at a highway on June 17, Gangji, and this highway leading to Liecheng bordering China.(Agence France -Presse)

Hu Xijin, editor -in -chief of the Global Times, said that if the news is true, it means that it seriously violates the establishment of trust measures in the military field in the real -scale region of the China -India border.He also warned that Chinese military power is much more advanced and powerful than India. If the Indian army upgrades the border conflict to China so that it can make it a war, they can only touch the rock with eggs.

Wang Wei Wen Report

The military tension of the China -India border was heating up again. The Indian military reported that it has changed the rules of war on the actual control line and was allowed to shoot under special circumstances. Once a military conflict in the two armies, the two armies would increase the risk of out of control of the situation.However, interviewees analyzed that this was only a tough attitude in India. The possibility of shooting or launching small -scale wars in the Indian army border was less likely to retalize China in the future.

Comprehensive Indian media reported that when Indian Prime Minister Modi held a national cross -party conference last Friday (19th), he stated that the Indian army had been fully free to take any necessary measures on the actual control line.The Indian Stan Times quoted two unnamed Indian senior officers on Saturday that after 20 generals died in the Lawan Valley conflict, the Indian Army had made major modifications on the rules of the actual control line.The freedom of action should deal with the tactical level.

One of the officers also said that Indian commanders will no longer be restricted to use guns, and they will also use all resources to respond to special circumstances.According to the explanation of Indian Foreign Minister Su Jiesheng last week, according to the agreement caused by China and India in 1996 and 2005, the two armies did not use firearms during confrontation.

Chinese military expert Wang Yunfei wrote yesterday, saying that Modi's speech undoubtedly issued a very dangerous signal, which greatly increased the possibility of the two armies from physical conflict to a fight for fire.The latest policy change in India may also force China to make corresponding border defense policies.

Hu Xijin, the editor -in -chief of the Global Times, commented that if the news is true, it means that it seriously violates the establishment of trust measures (agreements) on the establishment of trust measures in the military field in the real -line region of the China -India border.He also warned that Chinese military power is much more advanced and powerful than India. If the Indian army upgrades the border conflict to China so that it can make it a war, they can only touch the rock with eggs.

According to the agreement signed in 1996, the Sino -Indian soldiers patrol the border mainly for negotiation and are not allowed to use firearms within two kilometers of the actual control line.

Cheng Xiaohe, an associate professor of the School of International Relations of Renmin University of China, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Modi's right to deal with the Indian army at the border was explained to the military's casualties and more symbolic significance.He believes that it is less likely to shoot to the PLA. This is a tough gesture, but it may not be used after authorization.If you want to use it, the risk is too high, the cost is too high, and the consequences are unavailable, so the Indian army will not shoot easily.

Cheng Xiaohe analyzed that once the Indian army fired, it would break all the rules and controls on the China -India border. The trust measures, political guidance policies, and various management and control borders that China and India have accumulated for decades may be paid.East flow.If the border is out of control, the border war between China and India may explode, causing a dual -losing situation; the Modi government may fall up.

Cheng Xiaohe foresees that India is more likely to adopt economic revenge on China, including more clearly that China Huawei and ZTE are prohibited from entering the Indian 5G market, and China ’s existing investment projects in India are embarrassing.

China has not announced the number of victims of the People's Liberation Army

The Sino -Indian soldier last Monday (15th) in the Laowan Valley with sovereignty disputes. The worst and bloody conflict between the two countries in the past half century.Surgery, but China has not yet announced the number of casualties.

Indian Minister of Communications, V.k.Singh on Saturday night in a TV interview that the PLA lost at least 40 soldiers.Singh, who was former commander of the Indian Army, said: If 20 people in India have sacrificed, the Chinese casualties will be at least doubled, but no evidence will be provided to support this statement.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian avoided the number of casualties when asked about the number of casualties of the PLA at a regular press conference yesterday. It only said that: China and India are solving relevant current issues through military and diplomatic channel dialogue.information.

Zhang Jiadong, director of the South Asian Research Center of Fudan University, said in an interview that China has not announced the release of casualties so far.Cheng Xiaohe also has a similar view: China ’s move aims to prevent border tensions from further upgrading.