According to American media reports, the American intelligence agency believed that a senior Chinese officer authorized his troops to attack the Indian army in the Galwan Valley in the border between China and India last Monday on Monday.

The fierce limb conflict killed 20 Indian soldiers.China has not announced the number of casualties, but India claims that there are 43 casualties in China.The two sides have accused each other of proving the incident and added troops to the border area.

American News and World Report Magazine quoted anonymous insiders yesterday (22nd) that Zhao Zongqi, commander of the Western Theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, approved the attack.

Sources said that Zhao Zongqi had supervised the past confrontation between China and India.Zhao Zongqi believes that China must not appear weak, so as not to be exploited by American allies such as the United States and India, and expressed attention.Zhao Zongqi also believes that the conflict last week was a way to teach India.

According to the report, the above news shows that this conflict was not caused by the out of control of the tension between China and India, but in Beijing intentionally decided to send information to India to show strength.

However, the report also said that the plan seemed to be counterproductive, causing anger in India and lasted for a week.It is understood that Indians have deleted Chinese social media to use vibrato and destroy mobile phones made in China.

The source said this situation is just the opposite of what China wants, and it is not a victory for the Chinese military.