Wu Hanjun sorted

[email protected]

The world's important energy producers have one of the world's largest oil fields, and uranium output accounts for more than 40 % of the global total output.So far, although the riots in Kazakhstan have not yet affected its crude oil or uranium output, the international crude oil and uranium market have fluctuated in the past few days.

Kazakhstan's crude oil production accounts for about 2 % of global supply. Although the share is not large, the reduction of any oil production may affect the intense market that has originally supplied.On Thursday, international oil futures prices rose more than 2 %.

The output of some members of the Organization of Petroleum Organization and its Oils Alliance (OPEC+, Oil Alliance+) did not reach the distributed quota.As one of the members of the Oil Union+, Kazakhstan has been far exceeding its quota. It is one of the few oil producers that can increase production in the next few months. Therefore, the change in crude oil production in Kazakhstan is enough to affect international oil prices.

The price of international uranium on Wednesday also increased by 8 % due to the news of Kazakhstan riots.Uranium is a raw material for nuclear power generation.According to US government statistics, about 22 % of uranium purchased by the US nuclear power plant in 2020 came from Kazakhstan.

The President of Nuclear Energy Market Research and Analysis Company UXC President Jonathan Henz said: "If there is no Kazakhstan now, there will be no sufficient uranium supply in the world."

KazakhstanThe riots have not yet affected the production of crude oil and uranium. However, the workers of the TENGIZ in the northwest of the country held a demonstration to support the demonstrations across the country.

The information director of ENVERUS ENVERUS Bill Farun -Priece said that the location of these oil fields can usually make it exempt from interference, but if the riots are enhanced, oil companies may encounter encounterOperation problems, such as difficulties and materials in and out of these places.

Kazatomprom, Kazaktan, said on Thursday that riots did not affect its production or export.The company is the world's largest uranium producer, and its output in 2020 accounts for about 23 % of global junior uranium output.