thousands of demonstratorsThe mayor's office and president's residence rushed into the mayor's office of Almaty also attacked the local office of the local procuratorate, the office building of the National Television Station and the Kazakh Governor's Office.According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kazakhs, as of the night of the 5th, the riots in Kazakhs had killed 12 law enforcement officers and 317 police officers and the National Alemen were injured.

Cai Tiancheng sorting

[email protected]

(Alamu Composite Electric) Central Asian country Kazakhstan has recently caused complaints due to the surge in fuel prices. This anti -government rage on Wednesday local time is like a mountain flood.Government architecture.President Kazakhs announced that the country has entered an emergency and asked Russia and allies to send troops to assist in restoring order.

The collective security treaty (CSTO), led by Russia (CSTO), decided to send troops to Kazakhstan at the request of Kazakh President Takayev on Thursday.

According to Kazakh media reports, thousands of demonstrators rushed into the Office of the Mayor of Almaty and the Presidential House on Wednesday, setting off a fire burning office and destroying public facilities.They also attacked the local procuratorate, the office building of the National Television Station, and the local office of the Kazakh ruling party.On Wednesday evening, Kazakh officially revealed that counter -terrorism operations were launched in Alamu; local police pointed out that dozens of demonstrators were killed.

On Wednesday, the riots also occupied Alamu Airport to disturb the aviation transportation of this important economic city.The government subsequently dispatched soldiers to the scene to re -control the airport. However, many airlines decided to temporarily cancel flights flying to Alamu.

The Director of the Aramutu City Police Department Tymeer Jenov told Harcom that the riots caused more than 120 police vehicles, fire trucks and ambulances and other types of vehicles to be burned, more than 300 shops,The restaurant and office were smashed.According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kazakhs, as of the night of the 5th, riots in Harbin have caused 12 law enforcement officers to be killed and 317 police officers and the National Alemen were injured.

According to the Alamu Municipal Management Committee, the Kazakh law enforcement agency has begun to carry out the "counter -terrorism action" aimed at restoring order locally.Stablize.Giniate, deputy director of the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan, revealed on Thursday that more than thousands of people across the country had injured more than thousands of people, of which nearly 400 were admitted to the hospital.

Kazakh's riot this time was due to the skyrocketing oil and gas prices. The official cancellation of liquefied petroleum and gas on January 2nd.The Mangos style began and then spread to the whole country.

The people with oil prices quickly upgraded and quickly expanded to many other political issues.The people are dissatisfied with the current president's administration, and they are also aimed at the former strong man Nazarbayev.The film circulating on the Internet shows that in the city of Tald Cord, the demonstrators tried to pull down a big bronze statue of Nazarbayev.Reuters reporters reported that on Wednesday, in the city of Akstoma in the northwest, the demonstrations shouted: "Old man (Nazarbayev), roll away!"

81 -year -old NazarBayev was elected president in 1991, and then obtained the re -election many times. He resigned until March 2019.Although Nazarbayev has retreated to the second line, he is still the leader of the Light Party of the Motherland of the Governor. It continues to affect important national decisions. His family controls most of the economy of Kazakhstan.

The United States and others call on Kazakhs to restrain the civil strife.The position of the chairman of the Security Council and the leadership of Nazarbayev's nephew in the National Security Council.He also accepted the resignation of government cabinets, and announced the cancellation of the decision to increase the price of oil and gas, and required all departments to restrain prices.

At the same time, Tocaev signed a presidential order to announce an emergency in the country.He also delivered a TV speech on Wednesday, saying that he would deal with demonstrations.

Kazakhs has sought help from the collective security treaty organization.

The Kremlin said that they expected that Kazakhs would soon resolve internal disputes and warn other countries not to intervene in the internal affairs of Kazakhstan.

The United Nations, the United States and the European Union call on Kazakhs to officially perform restraint during domestic riots.U.S. State Department spokesman Prince said the United States pays close attention to the development of the situation."We condemn the violence, calling on the officials of Kazakhs to restrain each other and the demonstrators, and we ask all parties to seek peaceful solutions." The European Union also called on Russia to respect Kazakh's sovereignty.