<b>Two Anniversary of the Russian and Ukraine War: Ukrainian military and civilians are d</b>
Two Anniversary of the Russian and Ukraine War: Ukrainian military and civilians are d
(Kiev comprehensive) war in Russia's invasion of Ukraine by the two anniversary of Saturday (February 24), but so far this war distance is still far away.The latest survey shows that despite physical and mental fatigue, the will of the anti...
2024-05-31 15:55:16
Russia was accused of purchasing tank components via China and Georgia
Russia was accused of purchasing tank components via China and Georgia
(Tokyo Composite Electric) The transaction data from the Berlos military enterprise shows that Russia is importing Japanese precision instrument components through mainland China and purchasing parts from Taiwan through Georgia. These compo...
2024-05-31 15:55:13
Russia's ultimatum to the ultimatum to ask Navari's mother to hold a secret
Russia's ultimatum to the ultimatum to ask Navari's mother to hold a secret
(Warsaw/London Composite Electric) One week after the death of the Russian opposition leader Navalni, the official Russia issued an ultimatum to the mother of Navali, asking her to not openly hold a funeral, otherwise Navali would be buried...
2024-05-31 15:55:10
Hungarian nodded in Sweden to clean up the last obstacle to NATO
Hungarian nodded in Sweden to clean up the last obstacle to NATO
(Budapest Comprehensive) After Sweden agreed to sell fighters to Hungary, Hungary agreed to Sweden to join the North Atlantic Convention (NATO), and Sweden's last obstacle to NATO was cleaned. Hungarian Prime Minister Olban on Friday (Febru...
2024-05-31 15:55:07
The Hassas armed to block the Manda Strait
The Hassas armed to block the Manda Strait
(Sana / Washington Composite Electric) After the U.S. Tida was attacked by the U.S. military in the Yamen Port City, Yemenhota armed forces must completely block the Manda Strait to force Israel to end the war in Gasha. Hersen Armed Deputy...
2024-05-31 15:55:04
Navali's mother finally receives her son's body body
Navali's mother finally receives her son's body body
A spokesman for the Russian opposition Navalni said that the official Saturday (February 24) Satrehard returned the Navali body to his mother in the Arctic town. Comprehensive Reuters and Agence France-Presse reported that before the body w...
2024-05-31 15:55:00
The United States opposes Israel to resume and narrow the territory of the Gaza
The United States opposes Israel to resume and narrow the territory of the Gaza
(Buenos Aires / Cairo Comprehensive Electric) The Gagosha post -war after the Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu has aroused important allies in the United States.U.S. Secretary of State Broskere reiterated that the United States opposes Israel...
2024-05-31 15:54:57
<b>News: China and the United States explore the new debt plan to prevent the wave of eme</b>
News: China and the United States explore the new debt plan to prevent the wave of eme
People familiar with the matter revealed that the United States and China are discussing new measures to prevent the wave of sovereignty in emerging markets. Bloomberg reported that this is one of the most important attempts for these two s...
2024-05-31 15:54:54
<b>US officials: The export ban on China will not expand to traditional chips</b>
US officials: The export ban on China will not expand to traditional chips
(Tokyo News) Officials from the US Department of Commerce stated that although Washington has strengthened restrictions on Beijing -export -tip chips, Washington "has no interest to expand its export ban to traditional chips." The Assistant...
2024-05-31 15:54:51
Chinese police officers stationed in Pacific performed the task in Kiribos
Chinese police officers stationed in Pacific performed the task in Kiribos
(Sydney Composite Electric) Kuribas officials revealed that Chinese uniform police officers have settled in this remote Pacific Island country to participate in community police and criminal database projects. Kiribas has not yet publicly a...
2024-05-31 13:15:20
<b>G20 Foreign Minister Meeting: The two countries' plans are the only way to solve </b>
G20 Foreign Minister Meeting: The two countries' plans are the only way to solve
(Rio de Janeiro Composite Electricity) The Government State of the 20th Group of 20 believes that the two countries' plans are the only way to resolve the conflict between Israel and Palestine. Brazilian Foreign Minister Viela on Thursday (...
2024-05-31 13:15:17
The first moon landing in the United States for more than 50 years
The first moon landing in the United States for more than 50 years
The lunar lander "Odshus" developed by the American "Intuition Machine" company, landing on the moon on Thursday (February 22), Eastern Time. Xinhua News Agency reported that this is the first time that the United States spacecraft landed f...
2024-05-31 13:15:13
Russian deserter Spain's assassination Moscow is accused of being a real murderer
Russian deserter Spain's assassination Moscow is accused of being a real murderer
(Madrid French New Electric) The Spanish Intelligence Agency reported that Russian killer killed a Russian deserter in Spain last week. The General Administration of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine confirmed earlier this...
2024-05-31 13:15:10
Refers to China's lifting machine that threatens the United States to strengthen
Refers to China's lifting machine that threatens the United States to strengthen
(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. President Biden signed an administrative order on Wednesday to give the Ministry of Land and Security greater power to strengthen the network security of the US port. In particular, measures should be ta...
2024-05-31 13:15:07
<b>Raymond Duo: Re -lead the semiconductor industry in the United States to need the seco</b>
Raymond Duo: Re -lead the semiconductor industry in the United States to need the seco
(Washington Composite Electric) US Minister of Commerce Raymond said that the United States needs a second chip bill to regain global leadership in the semiconductor field and meet the needs of artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Raymo...
2024-05-31 13:15:04