The Taliban said that the resistance of the resistance of the resistance army finally
The Taliban said that the resistance of the resistance of the resistance army finally
(Morning News) Three Taliban sources said that the last stronghold of the anti -Taliban armed personnel Panjehir was occupied by Taliban on Friday (3rd).However, the national resistance campaign consisting of "Northern Alliance" and former...
2023-09-29 03:02:55
The United States has completed the withdrawal Afghanistan for the longest war in the
The United States has completed the withdrawal Afghanistan for the longest war in the
(Morning News) August 30th (Morning News)Monday) officially completed the withdrawal in Afghanistan, and made a note for the longest war in the American history. Reuters and Washington Post comprehensive reports, the U.S. Central Command Co...
2023-09-29 03:02:52
<b>United States: China will surpass Russia's first -name threat</b>
United States: China will surpass Russia's first -name threat
Bassier said that China is rapidly developing nuclear weapons and will soon surpass Russia to become the number of nuclear threats in the United States.He also warned that there was no mechanism between China and the United States to avoid...
2023-09-29 03:02:50
US Army: China has improved the blow accuracy of the missile forces
US Army: China has improved the blow accuracy of the missile forces
The latest report of the US Army shows that the Chinese army has improved its strike accuracy and range of its ballistic missile forces. According to Bloomberg, the US Scientist Federation government confidential project released on Monday,...
2023-09-29 03:02:47
When planning to accelerate the mass production missile ring: Consider surgery of surg
When planning to accelerate the mass production missile ring: Consider surgery of surg
Taiwan media reported that the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense plans to propose 200 billion yuan (NT $ 9.7 billion) missile "full mass production" special budget case to accelerate the production of various "source strikes" in advance p...
2023-09-29 03:02:44
The Northwest Desert of the People's Liberation Army successfully launched two ne
The Northwest Desert of the People's Liberation Army successfully launched two ne
(Beijing / Hong Kong Comprehensive News) The First Brigade of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Rocket Army Rocket Army's first brigade Recently overcomes harsh natural conditions and complex electromagnetic interference in the Northwest...
2023-09-29 03:02:42
The Chinese Rocket Army successfully launched two new missiles
The Chinese Rocket Army successfully launched two new missiles
The first brigade of the Chinese Rocket Army's conventional missile recently overcome harsh natural conditions and complex electromagnetic interference, quickly responded in the Northwest desert, and successfully launched two new missiles....
2023-09-29 03:02:40
The British New Act has increased the combination of "dirty money" in Russia. The E
The British New Act has increased the combination of "dirty money" in Russia. The E
(Morning News) The British Congress will propose a long -delayed economic criminal bill on Monday (February 28) to expand its crackdown on the inflow of illegal funds in Russia. Reuters reports that many British opposition members and rulin...
2023-09-29 01:23:03
Bloomberg: Morrison's anti -China strategy has not been able to raise support
Bloomberg: Morrison's anti -China strategy has not been able to raise support
Bloomberg reported today (28th) that Australian Prime Minister Morrison's anti -China strategy cannot increase the support of the ruling alliance.The latest polls show that 10 percentage points of the Labor Party of the Labor Party of the G...
2023-09-29 01:23:01
Feng Delin expressed his support for Ukraine to join the EU
Feng Delin expressed his support for Ukraine to join the EU
(Morning News) Feng Delin, chairman of the European Commission, clearly stated that Ukraine joined the European Union, saying that Ukraine, which is being invaded by Russia as" our part ". Reuters reported that Feng Delin was interviewed by...
2023-09-29 01:22:58
The United States announced that it would provide US $ 54 million in humanitarian assi
The United States announced that it would provide US $ 54 million in humanitarian assi
(Morning News) The United States announced a new round of humanitarian assistance to Ukraine with nearly $ 54 million ($ 73.09 million). Agence France -Presse reported that US Secretary of State Brills on Sunday (February 27) said that the...
2023-09-29 01:22:55
Putin placed nuclear weapons in a high degree of alert state
Putin placed nuclear weapons in a high degree of alert state
(Morning News) Russian President Putin placed units including nuclear weapons in a high degree of alert state.This move will further upgrade the Ukrainian war. Reuters reported that Putin (February 27) on the Sunday (February 27) on the gro...
2023-09-29 01:22:52
10 % behind the Australian ruling party to play the Chinese card to reverse
10 % behind the Australian ruling party to play the Chinese card to reverse
(Canberra Bloomberg) Australian relations with China have continued to be tight in the past two years, and the Australian Prime Minister Morrison, who seeks re -election, decided to make Sino -Australian relations a major campaign subject t...
2023-09-29 01:22:50
Many countries in Europe and the United States remove some Russian banks out of the SW
Many countries in Europe and the United States remove some Russian banks out of the SW
Ukrainian war The United States, the European Commission, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, and Canada issued a joint statement on Saturday on Saturday, announcing the sanctions decision described by French financial ministers as...
2023-09-29 01:22:48
The United Nations Security Council has decided to discuss the Russian invasion of Ukr
The United Nations Security Council has decided to discuss the Russian invasion of Ukr
(Morning News)The votes passed a resolution of the UN General Assembly Special Meeting to discuss the Russian invasion of Ukraine.The Special Conference on the University of the University will be held on Monday (February 28). Greenfield to...
2023-09-29 01:22:45