(Morning News) The United States announced a new round of humanitarian assistance to Ukraine with nearly $ 54 million ($ 73.09 million).

Agence France -Presse reported that US Secretary of State Brills on Sunday (February 27) said that the United States continued to pay attention to Ukraine's urgent humanitarian needs. "This is what we have premeditated, unreasonable and unreasonable for RussiaAn important part of the attack to respond. "

Brincken said in a statement that it will provide "food, safe drinking water, residence, emergency medical care, warmth and body supplies" through non -governmental organizations.

The United Nations refugee agency said that since Russia invaded Ukraine on Thursday, more than 360,000 people have fled Ukraine to neighboring countries, and more than 160,000 people have been displaced in Ukraine.

Brinken said that a new wave of assistance will also help assist groups and keep them in touch with family members separated by war. "I hope to promote reunion in some cases."

Brinken praised neighbors to accept the escape Ukraine.