Taiwan media reported that the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense plans to propose 200 billion yuan (NT $ 9.7 billion) missile "full mass production" special budget case to accelerate the production of various "source strikes" in advance production.The capacity of capabilities, the Global Times of Mainland China, published an article on a social review article that the DPP authorities refused to stop the adventure operation, the mainland could consider impacting the military crackdown on surgical surgery.Social reviews also said that using this plan to deter the mainland is completely delusional.

The Taiwan United Daily reported on Friday that the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense plans to propose a special budget of 200 billion yuan missile "full mass production", which focuses on accelerating and mass production in advance.The facility's missiles with the ability to "hit the source" have been filmed by Tsai Ing -wen. It is expected that the Executive Yuan was sent to the Legislative Yuan for consideration in early September.

The Global Times published an article on a social review article yesterday that Taiwan wants to produce these missiles to form combat effectiveness.In addition, missiles require the support of systematic military capabilities, including the follow -up of intelligence capabilities and the deployment of strategic implementation.The more densely deploy the missiles in Taiwan, the more suitable for the PLA to destroy them with the first round of saturation blows when the war broke out.

The article also said that the PLA can increase the ground -to -ground missiles that target Taiwan's targets on a large scale, and at the same time focus on the air bombing forces that Taiwan cannot fight.The ability to destroy the entire Taiwan's defense system as soon as possible, allowing the combat effectiveness and resistance of the Taiwan troops to collapse quickly at the same time. "

For the possible response of the mainland, the article pointed out that if there is an extreme aggressive preparation that threatens the security of the mainland, it is necessary for the mainland to require them to terminate the activity in a limited time and issue an ultimatum.In the case of the DPP authorities refused to stop the adventure, the mainland can consider performing the ability to perform surgery -based military cracks for surgery and destroy its ability to support the activity.

Social reviews also said that the mainland has not done similar warnings on Taiwan in the past, nor has it imposed acupuncture -type blows on Taiwan ’s island, but this does not mean that it will not be done in the future.Once the Democratic Progressive Party authorities make extreme actions that have a tendency to "Taiwan independence" or seriously threaten the security of the mainland, the mainland needs to implement the marginal policy of war, and forced the ultimatum.Formation, the mainland "takes this step when necessary, it will be a language that the DPP authorities will be able to understand."

The article pointed out that the mainland is now about 200 billion US dollars a year, and the primary focus of using these military expenses is to ensure the absolute strategy of solving the Taiwan issue.It is ridiculous that the DPP authorities "getting more tossing will accelerate the annihilation of their own way."