The latest report of the US Army shows that the Chinese army has improved its strike accuracy and range of its ballistic missile forces.

According to Bloomberg, the US Scientist Federation government confidential project released on Monday, on August 9, an Army report entitled by Chinese tactics, the most widely deployed short -range ballistic missile in the Chinese People's Liberation Army Rocket Army 11The original design range was 300 kilometers (185 miles), but the latest model has expanded the range to more than 700 kilometers.

According to this report, Dongfeng 11's hit accuracy has also been increased to 30 meters, "providing the ability of the war zone commander to provide remote precise blows."Dongfeng 11 can be equipped with conventional warheads and nuclear warheads.The report said, "Solid fuel rockets and transport vertical launch vehicles can achieve fast launch and loading operations."

The U.S. Army is undergoing strategic adjustments. It has been emphasized from the past 20 years to focus on the printed printed, and collaborates against China with the Air Force and the Navy.This new report shows the more remote and more accurate list of Mainland China missiles faced by the U.S. military and Taiwan in the conflict.

The report said that the range of the new Dongfeng 15/16 missile is 600 kilometers to 1,000 kilometers."The precision of the early model is not enough to make precise blows," but the new model has greatly improved."These missiles can install nuclear warheads or conventional warheads, and have a significant more effective load (than most short -range ballistic missiles)."

The report also covers many other aspects of Chinese military forces.The latest depiction of Chinese military power.U.S. leaders regard China as the main threat and formulate strategic planning and defense expenses accordingly.