After the collapse of the Balt Motor Bridge, the conspiracy theory floods the social m
After the collapse of the Balt Motor Bridge, the conspiracy theory floods the social m
Balt Momato Agence France -Presse reported that after the accident of Balt's Mo Francis Scott Bridge, in a few hours, various conspiracy theories appeared in X and other social media platforms.It is said to be Israel. Among them, the most w...
2024-06-13 12:43:46
Singapore registered container ship crack down on the Meiqiao Bridge and more than 20
Singapore registered container ship crack down on the Meiqiao Bridge and more than 20
(Washington Composite Electric) A major bridge in the East Coast Industrial City Balt Motor was collapsed by a Singapore -registered container ship, and 20 people and more cars on the bridge fell into the river. The accident occurred at aro...
2024-06-13 12:43:42
The mystery of the terrorist attack of the Moscow Concert Hall is heavy
The mystery of the terrorist attack of the Moscow Concert Hall is heavy
The capital of the Russian The Crocus City Hall in the suburbs of Moscow (Crocus City Hall) occurred on Friday (March 22). .This is the worst terrorist attack in Russia in 20 years. It has killed 137 people and injured more than 100 people....
2024-06-13 12:43:39
The Security Council votes the relationship between the United States abstain from Bid
The Security Council votes the relationship between the United States abstain from Bid
(Washington Reuters) Reuters analysis article pointed out that the United States abstained by promoting the United Nations Security Council's decision to demand a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, which led to the relationship between the US Pre...
2024-06-13 12:43:36
[Early know] What does the Security Council pass the ceasefire agreement for the first
[Early know] What does the Security Council pass the ceasefire agreement for the first
Why did the previous ceasefire motion of the Security Council were blocked? The United States had exercised veto in October, December, December, and February last year to block the draft resolutions of the Harbin -Harbon.The attack on the 7...
2024-06-13 12:43:33
North Korean out -of -the -ware workers are dissatisfied with treatment frequently rio
North Korean out -of -the -ware workers are dissatisfied with treatment frequently rio
Japanese media reported that in January this year, more than 200 laborers sent in China to China had been repatriated to North Korea for organizational riots.Labor who had previously sent the Republic of the African Congo for North Korea al...
2024-06-13 12:43:30
For the first time, Putin called the concert hall terrorist attack as the insistence o
For the first time, Putin called the concert hall terrorist attack as the insistence o
Russian President Putin stated for the first time that Russia's "Fan Red Flower City Hall" The horror attack of the concert hall is done by" Muslim Extramantics ", but he still insisted that Ukraine has no relationship with this terrorist a...
2024-06-13 12:43:27
For the first time, the Security Council passed the request for Gaza to immediately st
For the first time, the Security Council passed the request for Gaza to immediately st
(United Nations Comprehensive Electric) UN Security Council's abstain from the United States, for the first time, passed a resolution that Gagsha immediately implemented a ceasefire. This resolution requires Israel and Hamas to stop fire im...
2024-06-13 12:43:24
The United States and Japan strengthen military cooperation or reorganize the US Army
The United States and Japan strengthen military cooperation or reorganize the US Army
(Tokyo Composite Electric) British and Japanese media reports that, given common concerns about China, US President Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Nada will announce a plan to reorganize the US military headquarters in Japan next...
2024-06-13 12:43:21
The four suspects of the Moscow were charged with the two suspects to plead guilty
The four suspects of the Moscow were charged with the two suspects to plead guilty
The video of the court showed that the four people's faces were obviously injured, which caused them to be tortured by torture when they were interrogated by the Agent of the Russian Federal Security Agency. (Moscow Comprehensive) The Russi...
2024-06-13 10:03:50
Russian missiles attacking at least 10 injuries
Russian missiles attacking at least 10 injuries
Russia launched two ballistic missiles on Monday (March 25) Kiev, Ukraine. Although the missile was intercepted by the Ukraine air defense system, the falling metal fragments were injured at least 10 people.The Ukrainian military said that...
2024-06-13 10:03:47
British officials say that China constitutes a threat of cyber security
British officials say that China constitutes a threat of cyber security
(London Reuters) British officials revealed that British Deputy Prime Minister Dao Deng will speak to Congress on the threat of cyber security composed of China on Monday (March 25), but it has not been confirmed whether he will announce wh...
2024-06-13 10:03:44
Professor of Han Medical College of Medical College of His collective resignation
Professor of Han Medical College of Medical College of His collective resignation
Although the Korean government tried to talk to the medical community, the medical school professor resigned collectively on Monday (March 25) to support doctors who initiated a "resignation" because of their support for the government's ex...
2024-06-13 10:03:41
After the terrorist attack of Moscow, France implemented the highest level of alert
After the terrorist attack of Moscow, France implemented the highest level of alert
(Paris Comprehensive) After a terrorist attack in Russia, the French government raised the counter -terrorism alarm to the highest level. French President Macron Sunday (March 24) held an emergency cabinet safety meeting in Alice Palace to...
2024-06-13 10:03:38
Russian terrorist attacks Four defendants were charged with crime of criminals or sent
Russian terrorist attacks Four defendants were charged with crime of criminals or sent
Suspected of participating in RussiaFour men of the horror attack of the concert hall were charged with the crime of criminals and may face life imprisonment. Agence France -Presse reported that the Basmanny District Court on Sunday (March...
2024-06-13 10:03:35