Zhu Lilun: Continue to endure humiliation and lead the Kuomintang reform to the end of
Zhu Lilun: Continue to endure humiliation and lead the Kuomintang reform to the end of
Taiwan's Kuomintang in the wild defeated in the presidential election. The party chairman Zhu Lilun said that he would continue to bear humiliation to lead the Kuomintang reform and fight until the end of the chairman's term next year. Acco...
2024-06-11 23:03:25
After Lai Qingde was elected, the "Wu Tong" National Taiwan Affairs Office responde
After Lai Qingde was elected, the "Wu Tong" National Taiwan Affairs Office responde
Chen Binhua, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said on the 17th that the elections in Taiwan cannot change the basic pattern and development direction of cross -strait relations, and cannot change the common wi...
2024-06-11 20:23:43
Lai Qingde withdraw from the Democratic Progressive Party's new trend faction
Lai Qingde withdraw from the Democratic Progressive Party's new trend faction
Lai Qingde, the Democratic Progressive Party, successfully elected the new Taiwan, officially withdrawn from the new trend of the Democratic Progressive Party. Comprehensive Taiwan United Daily News and Central News Agency reported that the...
2024-06-11 20:23:40
<b>Mainland Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng: The Taiwan Strait is unstable in Si</b>
Mainland Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng: The Taiwan Strait is unstable in Si
Mainland China Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng said that the Taiwan issue is still the most important, most sensitive, and explosive problem of Sino -US relations.Task. According to the official website of the Chinese Embassy in th...
2024-06-11 20:23:37
Broken diplomatic relations between Nauru and Taiwan is just the starting type of main
Broken diplomatic relations between Nauru and Taiwan is just the starting type of main
The Taiwan election was just ended on January 13th, and the DPP candidate Lai Qingde was elected less than 48 hours. President Kuiru of the Pacific Island Guolu Announces that it will break diplomatic relations with Taiwan today, and will r...
2024-06-11 20:23:35
Mainland China State Council: I would like to do my best to strive for peace and unity
Mainland China State Council: I would like to do my best to strive for peace and unity
Aiming at Lai Qingde's "martial arts" sound after the new Taiwan was elected, the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China stated that mainland China is willing to fight for peace and unity with the greatest sincerity and maximum. A spokesma...
2024-06-11 20:23:32
The Taiwan National Defense Ministry of Defense updates the new sea and air dynamic ma
The Taiwan National Defense Ministry of Defense updates the new sea and air dynamic ma
The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan adjusted the way to disclose the activities around the Taiwan Strait, and no longer announce the traces of activities of various military aircraft. At the same time, the new military aircraft take...
2024-06-11 20:23:30
Mainland China Taiwan Affairs Office: Only unification can achieve permanent peace in
Mainland China Taiwan Affairs Office: Only unification can achieve permanent peace in
On Wednesday (January 17), the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China held the first routine press conference this year. The spokesman emphasized that only by realizing unification can we end the long -term political confrontation of cross...
2024-06-11 20:23:28
Kaohsiung was elected legislator Huang Jie joined the Democratic Progressive Party
Kaohsiung was elected legislator Huang Jie joined the Democratic Progressive Party
After the Kaohsiung City Councilor Huang Jie successfully elected Kaohsiung legislators with high votes, he joined the DPP's internal faction. Comprehensive reports of Taiwan ETTODAY News Cloud, Zhongshi News Network, and reporting, the gen...
2024-06-11 20:23:25
<b>The Ministry of National Security of the Mainland: Deepen the infiltration of the infi</b>
The Ministry of National Security of the Mainland: Deepen the infiltration of the infi
After the end of Taiwan, the Ministry of National Security of Mainland China said that facing the background seaIn the situation, the mainland national security organs will conduct in -depth struggles with Taiwan -related subversion, anti -...
2024-06-11 20:23:23
The United States proposes to cancel the dual taxation to Taiwanese and Taiwanese comp
The United States proposes to cancel the dual taxation to Taiwanese and Taiwanese comp
The United States proposes a proposal to cancel the double tax levy to Taiwanese who work in the United States and the US Taiwan company. According to Bloomberg News on Wednesday (January 17), the agreement will reduce the pre -deducting ta...
2024-06-11 20:23:20
AIT Chairman Rosenberg expressed his "regret" to Nauru and Taiwan
AIT Chairman Rosenberg expressed his "regret" to Nauru and Taiwan
Laura Rosenberger, Chairman of the United States, decided to explain "Unfortunate" to the South Pacific Island Naulu on Tuesday (January 16).The US State Department spokesman "encourages all countries to expand its exchanges with Taiwan." C...
2024-06-11 17:43:41
Beijing, the United States, Japan, and other countries to send groups to Taiwan to go
Beijing, the United States, Japan, and other countries to send groups to Taiwan to go
(Beijing / Singapore Comprehensive News) In response to Taiwan media reports, several countries in the United States, Japan and Europe stated that they were sent to Taiwan after the Taiwan election.Mainland China has expressed strong dissat...
2024-06-11 17:43:39
The Kuomintang evaluates the possibility of winning the leader of the Legislative Yuan
The Kuomintang evaluates the possibility of winning the leader of the Legislative Yuan
The leader of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan was re -elected, and the four conditions of the Legislative Council of the Field People ’s Party with a key minority of self -proclaimed self -employed people’ s party committee members, but the...
2024-06-11 17:43:37
Chen Peizhe, academician of Taichung Research Institute: The new Legislative Yuan shou
Chen Peizhe, academician of Taichung Research Institute: The new Legislative Yuan shou
Chen Peizhe, an academician of the Taiwan Institute of Technology, who had withdrawn from the Self -producing vaccine review committee for high -end disputes, believes that the officially announced high -end vaccine contract content is bene...
2024-06-11 17:43:34