In response to the considering legislation of Chinese citizens from purchasing real estate in the United States, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the move has violated the principles of market economy and international trade rules.

According to surging news, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning said on Friday (February 10) that the essence of Sino -US economic and trade cooperation is mutually beneficial and win -win.Over the years, Chinese companies' investment in the United States has made important contributions to promoting domestic employment and economic development in the United States.

She continued to say that the concept of generalization of national security will violate the politics and deeds of economic and trade investment issues that violate the principles of market economy and international trade rules, and harm the confidence of the outside world for the US market environment.

Mao Ning's statement is to respond to the recent considerations of the United States, due to national security considerations, and considering that legislation prohibits Chinese citizens from buying land, housing or any real estate in the United States.

According to the US media today's USA TODAY, 11 states and two parties of the United States are formulating a draft law to prohibit Chinese citizens from being formulated by 11 states including Texas, Florida, and Arkansas.Purchase land, housing or any real estate locally.Among them, the draft of Texas also involves Russians, Iranians and North Koreans.

These members said that the move will help the local government from interference in competitors such as China, including spy activities such as theft and food supply in the United States.

A U.S. official said that the Chinese reconnaissance balloon that shot down last Saturday has enabled the outside world to pay attention to the increasingly tense relationships in the United States and China in several areas, including trade and tariff disputes.