Craig Allen, president of the National Committee of the US -China Trade National Committee, said that American companies are looking forward to continuing to open up the Chinese market, and say that the economy of the United States and China cannot be "decoupled".people.

China official news agency Xinhua News Agency on Wednesday (February 8) published an exclusive interview with Allen.In the interview, Allen said that the Chinese government continued to promote the improvement of the business environment and "we are very grateful for this."A large number of American companies are eagerly looking forward to expanding their business in China.These companies involve consumer goods, food and agriculture, energy, tourism, financial services, and manufacturing. In particular, chemical enterprises have a strong driving force to continue to open up the Chinese market in the future.These industries have great growth potential, and industry companies are full of confidence in the Chinese market.

Ellen see the United States and China to increase communication and exchanges.He said that the world is currently facing multiple crises. As the world's largest developed and largest developing countries, the United States and China need to strengthen communication and coordination and promote their economic growth to alleviate the pressure of global economic growth.

He said that with China's optimization and adjustment of epidemic prevention policies, the United States and China urgently need to restore normal personnel.

Allen refuted the "decoupling theory" in the United States and China, which has been speculated in the United States in recent years, and believes that the "linked" in the United States and China is a good strategy to benefit the people of the two countries."Comprehensive decoupling will make the economy at a high price at a high price."

Ellen said that the US government's generalized national security concept and large -scale subsidies for high -tech industries have caused serious funds for waste. It is not advisable.Free flow.Conversely, cutting off the supply chain in the field of science and technology under the name of "avoiding risks" will damage the economy of the United States and China.

In Allen's view, strengthening the US -China and China bilateral trade and investment is a extensive and inclusive prosperity and a correct way to achieve high -quality growth."The reason why the economy of the United States and China can flourish and develop is exactly the country where both parties are open." The two countries are facing common tasks to promote economic growth, and close trade and investment are the best way to achieve this goal.

Ellen said that the United States and China solve the problems of the trade and investment in both parties in constructive ways to help promote the further economic growth of the two countries.The two countries should continue to promote the sustainable growth of the country, maintain world peace, and promote common prosperity.Ensuring the stability of the economic environment is the common responsibility of the two governments of the country and the international community.