China Autonomous Automotive Lidar Manufacturer Shanghai Hesai Technology Co., Ltd. (Hesai Technology) Located on Thursday (February 9th) local time (February 9) to Nasdaq in the United States.The financing of US $ 190 million (the same below, about S $ 250 million) was the largest IPO in the US listing in the United States after the delisting in 2021.

Comprehensive Bloomberg and surging news reports, Hesai Technology issued 10 million US deposit shares for $ 19 per share, and the previous 9 million shares of the promotion range were 17 to 19 US dollars per share.

On the first day of listing in the United States, the stock price of Hesai's technology performed brightly, and the opening rose 25%to $ 23.75.It reached $ 2.621 billion.

It is worth noting that Hesai Technology submitted a prospectus to the Science and Technology Board in 2021, but after two months, the application materials were proactively withdrawn, and on January 17, 2023Submit the prospectus.

He Sai Technology was established in 2014. It is a globalized laser radar R & D and manufacturing enterprise. It first focused on the development of laser gas sensors and began to explore unmanned laser radar products in 2016.At present, the company's products are widely used in passenger cars and commercial vehicles that support advanced auxiliary driving systems (ADAS), as well as autonomous cars.

The listing of Hesai Technology marks that Chinese companies may return to the United States for financing.Two companies have launched IPOs this year.As China and the United States have made progress in resolving Sino -stock auditing disputes, the risk of stock market stocks has been significantly alleviated. In addition, the Chinese economy has released, and the market popularity has become more optimistic.

Didi was forced to return the market shortly after going to the United States in 2021 to raise financing of 4.4 billion U.S. dollars. Since then, Chinese companies have been listed in the United States.According to Bloomberg's compilation data, there were only 10 Chinese -funded companies listed in New York last year, totaling a total of $ 376 million, the lowest in 10 years.

In comparison, the start of this year is quite eye -catching.In addition, Bloomberg data shows that companies such as iQiyi and Bilibili have issued about $ 1.4 billion in financing in the United States.

According to the documents submitted to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, Hesai Technology has steadily increased in the past three years, nearly $ 112 million, and the net loss of nine months on September 30 has fallen to $ 23 million.Chinese technology giants Baidu, Xiaomi and Meituan, and Germany's Robert Bosch GMBH is a strategic investor in Hesai Technology.

Goldman Sachs Group, Morgan Stanley, and Creditkin Group lead the release of He Sai Technology.