Scholars in mainland China predict that this year's Taiwan Strait situation will not only be calm, but may even become more complicated and

Chen Xiancai, director of the Taiwan Research Center of Xiamen University on Wednesday (January 25), wrote on WeChat public account of the "Strait Shinkani Line" in Southeast Satellite TV, looking forward to the situation in the Taiwan Strait in 2023.He predicts that the Taiwan Strait will not be calm in 2023, but the integrated development of cross -strait integration has accelerated, and the conflict between Taiwan's political situation will increase.

Chen Xiancai analyzed that the Taiwan 2024 election is imminent that Taiwan's independence forces and overseas forces will inevitably be launched in 2023 to try to create a election situation that is conducive to the green camp."The United States will also continue to sacrifice the 'Taiwan brand' to make trouble for the situation of the Taiwan Strait. Whether McKinsea, the president of the new House of Representatives McKinsea will visit the Taiwan region, and the 'Taiwan Policy Act of the United States Congress.It has triggered a major hidden danger of the situation in the Taiwan Strait. "He believes that the situation of the United States' intervention in the Taiwan Strait is not endless, and the peaceful and stable situation in the Taiwan Strait cannot be reproduced.

He also believes that the Tsai English government cannot automatically abandon Taiwan ’s separation position, and will inevitably continue to connect external forces for independence."Mainland China cannot allow Taiwan to be separated from the territory of China, and it will inevitably defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and resolutely shatter the" independence of Taiwan independence 'split forces' provocations and external interference."

Chen Xiancai believes that the new era party proposed by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to solve the overall strategy of Taiwan's problem, which will inevitably become the fundamental follow -up and action guide of mainland China in Taiwan in 2023."For mainland China, unity is an inevitable historical trend, when it is in progress. Although the current Taiwan official obstructs cross -strait exchanges and unified process, the mainland will continue to promote democratic negotiation on both sides of the strait, strengthen political dialogue, and actively promote it.Cross -strait integration and development policy. Including the DPP officials in response to public opinion, removing all kinds of unreasonable obstacles set up, and promoting the "small three -way" to fully resume the early realization, restore the original passenger flights on both sides of the strait as soon as possible, and restore the normalization of cross -strait personnel and the cross -strait people.The people communicate are normalized. "

He believes that the sustainable development of the mainland economy and the continuous exchanges between cross -strait economic and trade will inevitably provide a strong motivation for Taiwan's economic development."Continue to deepen the integrated development of cross -strait and promote the combination of the minds of compatriots on both sides of the strait. It is also the basic policy that the mainland is firmly implemented. Looking forward to the new year, the development of cross -strait integration will inevitably appear new appearances and new breakthroughs."

Chen Xiancai also believes that the political offensive and defensive of Taiwan Blue and Green Party will continue to intensify, and this competition will be very fierce.The Blue Camp will continue to attack the disadvantages of the issues such as poor governance performance and corruption, and the Green Camp may continue to buckle red hats to the Kuomintang, or to speculate on the issue of "anti -China -China".Black smoke, the conflict of political situation is inevitable.