The US envoy of the United States in Iran said that in order to implement sanctions against Iran, the United States will increase pressure on China to prevent them from continuing to import Iranian oil.

Robert Malley said in an interview with Bloomberg TV on Monday (January 23): "China is the main destination of Iranian oil exports."They will strengthen Beijing not to buy Iranian oil.

After the Iranian nuclear agreement was withdrawn in 2018, the United States re -imposed sanctions on Iran and its oil exports.Tehran's sanctions faced in response to uranium concentration activities and restricting international supervision responses.

At the same time, Iran's in recent months of oil exports has increased significantly, which has publicly challenged the condemnation of Washington.Most Iranian oil exports seem to flow to the world's largest imported country.

Mali said that the United States will "take necessary measures to prevent Iran's oil exports and also prevent other countries from buying." "We did not relax any sanctions on Iran, especially in Iran's oil sales."