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(Morning News) Russian President Putin spokesman said that Putin will hold a signing ceremony on Friday (September 30) in the Kremlin to incorporate the four Ukraine's occupied regions in Russia into the Russian Federation.

Agence France -Presse reported that Putin spokesman Peskov said on Thursday (28th): "3 pm tomorrow (at 8 pm Singapore time), the Georgian Hall of the Kremlin will hold a new territory merged intoRussia's signing ceremony. "He added that Russian leaders would make important speeches in the event.

It is reported that the four Russian control areas controlled by Donetsk, Lugusk, Hermuson, and Zarlo -Thapari, which were controlled by the Russian army, held a referendum last week.The Russian puppet government in the control zone claims that the regional people support to join Russia with overwhelming majority votes.

Leaders in four regions said that they are currently in Moscow and look forward to meeting with Putin.

Russia's four Ukraine's four -Russian -occupied region will marked the significant upgrade of the Ukraine crisis.Western countries have warned Russia not to continue to annex, and the Seventh Kingdom Group also stated that it will never admit the operation.

Kiev has asked the international community to provide more military assistance in response.