China's Permanent Representative of the United Nations Geneva Office and other Swiss International Organizations Ambassador Li Song, on Wednesday (September 28), on Wednesday (September 28) at the 51st meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Council, "the problem of negative impact on human rights on human rights" of colonialism on human rights councils "Speaking at the special discussion, urging the original sin of colonial history in the United States and the United Kingdom to reflect on colonial history, and adopted a correct correction error.

According to CCTV news reports, Li Song pointed out that colonialism is the original sin of history of Western countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom, the time in the history of global human rights, and a difficult scar in the history of human civilization.Human beings have entered the 21st century, and colonialism remains widely existed, and the remains are far away.These countries must reflect on history and correct mistakes.

Li Song said that it is necessary to respect the human rights development path of the original colonial country.Today, with the democratization of international relations, no country can no longer ride a bullying and squeezing it on other countries.What are the colonial countries in history, what are the "human rights and guardians" self -proclaimed now?China urges relevant countries to abandon the practice of interference in other politics by borrowing human rights. It shall not politicize and instrument human rights issues, and it shall not push the regime by the name of human rights.

Li Song also said that it is necessary to increase economic assistance to the original colonial country.The prosperity of colonial countries is built on the sacrifice of the original colonial country.Their support for the original colonial country today is not a gift, but moral responsibility.In the context of the spread of the epidemic, developed countries should take more realistic measures in terms of debt -exemption, development assistance, and technical transfer to help the general realization of the development of the original colonial state development.

Li Song emphasized that it is necessary to eradicate the root cause of colonialism.Colonialism seems to have become a historical vocabulary, but in today's world, there are still various performances, and hegemonism, racism, and extracurricularism are typical representatives.All parties must adhere to the concept of the community of human destiny, promote the common value of all mankind, and promote the healthy development of global human rights.

Li Song said that the 48th session of the Human Rights Council passed the resolution of "negative impact on human rights" submitted by China, and launched the process of paying attention to and discussing the issue of the Human Rights Council.China has called on the Human Rights Council to continue to pay attention to this issue to play a greater role in solving the problem of colonialism and promoting the development of international human rights.