(Morning News) Since Ukraine announced its counterattack, the war situation in Hermone has continued to heat up, and the two sides broke out in the local area.Russia's official Monday (September 5) announced the suspension of the Hermuson's referendum plan.

Tass, a Russian state -owned communications media (TASS) quoted a Russian official, reported: "Due to the security situation, the referendum plan for joining Russia has been suspended."

Kirill Stremousov, deputy director of the Military and Civil and Civil Region Administration, said: "After a few weeks after the Ukrainian shelling, Anthonyki (near Hulson City, near Hulson City (near Hulson City, across the Dieberg River (AntonivSkyi) Highway bridge can no longer pass through. "

pro -Russian officials have previously suggested that in September, a referendum to join Russia in Hermuson, Zapolo, Donetzk and Lugusk region was held in September.To cooperate with Russia's local elections.

According to Reuters, in recent weeks, Russia's control of Hermuson has become increasingly unstable.

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the same day: "A" Himas "high -mobility multi -tube rocket system provided by the United States was destroyed by the Russian army in the Halkov area of Ukraine."

The Russian army captured Hermone on March 3, the first major city to win after the Russian army invaded Ukraine.On August 29th, Ukraine officially announced its counterattack operations in several regions of the south, and the operation continued to upgrade.

During the period, in addition to hitting a military base of the Russian army in Hermuson and destroying more than 10 ammunition libraries, the "Hemaras" system destroyed almost all the large large -scale Hermone system.Bridge to cut off the supply line of the Russian army.