Japan and South Korea's public opinion surveys show that in the context of Sino -US opposition, the feelings between Japanese and Korean people have improved.

According to the Kyodo News Agency, Japanese civilian non -profit groups "speech NPO" and the Korean think tank "East Asian Research Institute" announced on Thursday (September 1) that from July to August, Japan and South KoreaThe results of public opinion surveys implemented with about a thousand people.

In the survey data, the impression of the other country, the Japanese who answered "bad" accounted for 40.3%, a decrease of 8.5 percentage points from last year;percentage point.

"NPO" on behalf of Kudo Taizhi said at a press conference on Thursday that in the context of the confrontation of the United States and China, the Korean people are more vigilant against China, and Japan and South Korea are the democraticism with the United States.The common position of the country "has driven the mutual understanding of the two countries."

Kudo Taizhi also pointed out that although the feelings of the people have begun to change, the relationship between the government has not moved, and it is called on the two governments to take specific actions to improve the relationship.

The survey data also shows that the Japanese who had "good impression" of Korean President Yin Xiyue, who took office in May, accounted for 20.1%of the "good impression".Increase.As for the "good impression" of Japanese Prime Minister Kishita, 6.6%of the "good impression", it also increased by 3.5 percentage points compared to the last investigation of the last investigation when Yoshihiko was the Prime Minister.

However, more than 30 % of the Korean people who were “followed by the Korean Supreme Court’ s judgment in accordance with the judgment of the Korean Supreme Court and the implementation of compulsory enforcement of the assets of the Japanese enterprise ”, which was alive.There are more than 30 % of the Japanese who need to follow the judgment ", which is almost the same as last year.