(Morning News) Poland estimates that Germany will cause 6.2 trillion Ziriti (about 1.83 trillion yuan) to lose in Poland in the Second World War, and Warsaw will officially ask Germany to compensate for compensation.The German Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that the issue of World War II compensation has ended.

The Party leader of the Legal Justice Party (PIS), the party leader of Poland, Jaroslaw? Kaczynski) said at a press conference on Thursday (September 1): "The amount proposed is the amount.Calculated in the most limited and conservative method, it may increase. "

This new estimation number is higher than the 850 billion US dollars (about 1.19 trillion newly estimated in 2019 by a ruling member estimated in 2019Yuan).Since the Law and Justice Party came to power in 2015, it repeatedly repeatedly required compensation, but did not formally make claims.

A spokesman for the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent an email on Thursday that the German government's position remains unchanged and the issue of Compensation in World War II has ended."Poland has abandoned further claims as early as 1953 and confirmed this many times. This is a foundation for the European order today. Germany insists on its political and moral responsibility for World War II."

Legal and Justice Party often adopts a good fight for Germany to mobilize voters, which makes Warsaw's relationship with Berlin.After Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Poland criticized Germany's dependence on Russia's natural gas, and the slowing action in helping Ukraine made relations between the two countries more tense.

During World War II, about 6 million Poland people, including 3 million Poland Jews, were killed; Warsaw was razed to the ground after the 1944 uprising, and about 200,000 civilians died in the uprising.