(Washington News) The US Department of Commerce includes the export control list that mainly involves the national security and foreign policy considerations on the grounds of national security and foreign policy considerations.

The official website of the US Industry and Security Agency issued a notice on Tuesday (August 23) that these entities were included in the list because their activities "did not meet the interests of US national security and foreign policy, especially they obtained and tried to obtain the United States.Objects to support China's military modernization efforts. "

The Seven entities that decided to include the list this time were the 771st Research Institute of the Ninth Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group, the 772th Research Institute, the 502 Research Institute of China Space Technology Research InstituteThe 43rd Institute of China Electronics Technology Group, the 58th Institute of Electronics Group, and the Zhuhai Ogant Aviation Aviation Technology Co., Ltd.

The physical list update takes effect from Thursday (24th).After being included in the list, suppliers need to obtain licenses before providing American goods or services to these Chinese entities, and the US Industry and Security Agency will apply for the approved permit for the premise.


The announcement also said that the United States has included about 600 Chinese entities in the entity list, of which more than 110 newly added after the Bayeng government.

Alan Estevez, Deputy Minister of Commerce, said: "American technology that supports space and aerospace activities should not be used to support China's military modernization. We have been monitoring technology in these fields.Evidence of transfer. "

He also said: "China's military -civilian integration plan allows the Industry and Security Bureau to be vigilant, and if necessary, we will take strong action to protect our sensitive technologies."

The Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Commerce, The Assistant Minister of Export Management, Thea D.Rozman Kendler, said: "Technology is neutral, this is why we are alert to China, especially for departments like aerospace to switch technology to use technology.The possibility of military use is very high. "

She also said: "The entity list is a powerful and unique tool that proves that the US government will use export control to protect the national security of the United States."

The entity list was established in 1997 based on the US export management regulations. The entities on the list were considered to have participated in or participating in or constituted major risk enterprises, research institutions, government and private organizations, and even in violation of US national security or foreign policy activities.personal.