(Morning News) Anwar, chairman of the Malaysian opposition People's Justice Party, said, the former Prime Minister Najib is now in prison in prison when he was in prison in 1998 in 1998.The situation is good, but the situation is still difficult for Najib.

Anwar on Wednesday (August 24), in an interview with CNBC TV station, pointed out that he could not read books or interview his family in prison. Although the current situation of Najib is much better, it has a normal lifestyle, but for the usual lifestyle,For Najib, which belongs to the "seven -star hotel level", the prison environment is still very difficult.

Anhua said: "As far as I learned from my old colleague and officials of the prison, he (Najib) will be better treated and he will get some convenience.Najib) is very difficult. Especially compared with his (usual) seven -star hotel lifestyle, he will go through some difficult and hard things. "On Tuesday (23rd), the federal court was rejected and must be immediately 12 years in prison , becoming the first former prime minister in Malaysia.