Recently, there have been episodes in China have been removed. It is more special that this time it was taken to act in a radio drama.

A barrage audio website "Cat Ear FM", a barrage audio website, which is positioned by Bilibili, announced on the evening of Tuesday (August 23): "Due to technical reasonsPayment of broadcast dramas camouflage to learn scum, Sakano, read through the cloud, and I like your pheromone. The recovery time is yet to be determined. "

In a few words, it instantly detonated the public opinion.Although the statement did not say that these radio dramas would be permanently removed, Chinese netizens still mourned, saying that "the source of happiness in life is so cold."The "Cat Ear" crushed the topic on Tuesday night, and quickly appeared on the top of the Weibo Search List. The reading volume reached 440 million, and the discussion was 148,000.

Netizens said that the common point of these dramas that was removed was that they were all renovated dramas adapted from Yanmei novels, so they became the goal.

The rise of Yanmei in China

The concept of "Tanmei" originated in Western Europe in the 19th century.Love between men.

The concept of "Danmei" was introduced from Japan around 1997 to China. In China at that time, Tanmei has not yet appeared in the form of a TV series or online drama., Fiction, Tongren and other forms slowly accumulate popularity.

One concept was in 1997It was introduced to China from Japan. The picture shows the cover of Japan's love continuous version of the uncle in Japan in 2018.(Internet)

After entering 2000, with the increasing number of the number of audiences in China in China, and the rise of the Internet, Yanmei is no longer satisfied with a form of expression.Tanmei works born in the form of live -play, online TV series, online games, animation, and radio dramas have sprung up like rain.

"Cat Ear FM" announced the radio drama that was removed. The main axis of the plot surround two male characters, which covers campus dramas and suspense dramas.For example, in the pheromone I like, one of the protagonists is Duan Jiayan, who looks good -looking and has a good family situation. He originally went smoothly all the way. Until high school encountered all the conditions than him, he was better than him.It tells the friendship between the two in eliminating the misunderstanding.

However, what really caused China's Yanmei cultural industry to receive great attention from the outside world is the real -life TV series Chen Qingling adapted from the novel of the same name in the same name of the same name of the same name.The play not only won reputation in the Chinese circle at home and abroad, but also a popular male actor, such as two starring Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan.

The popularity of Chen Qingling also made China ’s drama on the rising rising ride, reaching the heyday.Many male artists also rushed to star in the drama, as if as long as they master the drama, they mastered the traffic password.

Chen Qingling's popularityLet China's drama industry get on the rising windmill, and it has also attracted a male actor such as Wang Yibo (left) and Xiao Zhan (right).The picture shows Chen Qing's Lord.(Internet)

However, after Yanmei culture was introduced into China, there was a voice of criticism from time to time.In addition to not in line with the mainstream values, some people believe that in order to attract the public's attention, Yanmei related works often arrange heavy taste, strange hunting, incest or pornographic plot in the works, which is not conducive to the healthy development of young people.

Therefore, the rising momentum of Yanmei culture has not lasted for a long time, especially after attracting China's official attention, the Yanmei cultural industry has fallen into the cold winter.

Tanmei Cultural Industry enters the hibernation

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the China National People's Congress filled the loopholes of the network speech review mechanism through the network security law in 2016, which means that the red cultural industry that became popular on the InternetIt has to be reviewed by increasingly severe network censorship.

Since 2017, in order to allow the drama to change the drama to maximize the market, the producer of the episode has been adjusted to the way of rendering the element in the plotIn the element, it uses vague expression, delete some of the large -scale plots in the original.

For example, in the emotional order, a heroine who has not appeared in the original work has been inserted to change the emotional line of the original two male lead to brotherhood;The suspense idol drama of the same name adapted from the superstar, the final ending also changed from the direction of the original style to the love of men and women.

In order to pass the review,Some adjustments are made when presenting the elements of Yanmei. The famous superstar of the rebirth of the drama has also changed the ending to the love of men and women. The picture shows the stills of the play.(Internet)

Although these "delay landscaping" approach can allow the drama to temporarily avoid China's official review, it also often attracts the criticism of the original party.The taste and spirit of the original work.

However, for a while, I couldn't hide for a while.Even if the plot processing method is changed to conform to the mainstream aesthetic and value orientation of China, the drama will eventually escape the ending of the cold palace.

The State Administration of Radio and Television of China publicly requested chaos such as entertainment and rice circles in the entertainment industry in September last year, including the wind of delay.At that time, an industry insider said that this was the first time that the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television officially and openly demanded to resist the "delay."

The Beijing Radio and Television Bureau also fired the first shot on the drama in January this year, which fully called the online film and television drama that stopped the theme.Ji Xing Gao Zhao reads a number of Monhados and River Watchs, such as Dream Mountain River Watch, and other killed Danmei dramas that have not yet been launched. Those actors who want to rely on the drama can only be sad.

Yanmei Culture, which does not meet the mainstream values of China

The same -sex relationship that does not meet the mainstream values of China, may be the main reason to promote the Chinese government to control.

<已 has become a major problem that plagues the Chinese government.Under the impact of the crown disease epidemic, the birth rate of population birth rates in 2020 and 2021 (the ratio of the number of births per thousand people) fell below 10 ‰, which were 8.52 ‰ and 7.52 ‰.

Under the impact, China ’s birth rate in 2021 fell to 7.52 ‰.The picture shows a nurse take care of a newborn baby in a hospital in Huaian City, Jiangsu Province.(Reuters)

AlthoughHowever, the problem of young childization has structural factors such as women's consciousness and economy, which cannot be completely blamed on the cultural industry of Yanmei.However, in the official perspective, Yanmei culture not only does not help advocate three children to marry men and women. The values of presence may not be conducive to population growth. It is also popular and become a trend. It is not difficult to understand why the official must control the control.

The Guangming Daily published an article in April to warn that Yanmei's works prevailing will bring the public aesthetic.The article believes that the beauty of femininity can be available, but when the beautiful men on the screen are getting more and more flooding and the masculine tough guys are less and less, they may violate the basic laws of artistic creation, and also hinder the diversified development of social aesthetics.Self -shaping is seriously misleading.

Experts quoted by Voice of Germany also believe that in the context of the decline in birth rate and strong nationalist emotions, the Chinese government began to worryEssence

China's drama has been strengthened to rectify, just when the National Internet Information Office has a new round of "clear" Internet special operations.It can also be seen from this that regulatory dramas are also one of the main measures of regulatory ideology and ideas.

However, a culture can develop and spread in a field, which means that this culture can meet the psychological needs of some audiences.Although for the overall situation of social development, the Chinese government hopes to shape the people's ideas in all aspects and clear the values, culture and ideas that do not meet the official ideology, but the "one -size -fits -all" approach may be difficult to "cut" the psychological needs of the people.The main reason for the strong dissatisfaction of some fans.

Someone has discussed the question of whether Chinese film and television works can be launched on the Internet. In fact, the official attitude is very clear now, and only one level pursuits: "clear" level, which means that the Qing religion -style social ethicsThe demands are also strict with political security and reality.This is a Chinese -style graded system that all Chinese film and television creations include changing dramas.