(Morning News) The U.S. Indo -Pacific Command quoted the U.S. State Department sources saying that in order to implement the "anti -diffusion security initiative" (PSI), it will be held from Monday (August 8th) from Monday (August 8) to the 12th to the 12th.Joint military exercise "FORTUNE Guard 22".

Yonhap reported that 21 countries including South Korea, the United States, and Japan participated in this military exercise. Focus on drilling cross -departmental decision -making, intelligence exchange, map deduction, and actual interception to prevent large -scale lethal weapons.The United States has implemented PSI annual routine exercises in the Asia -Pacific region since 2014, and countries have taken turns to be the host country.

The U.S. State Department emphasized that this military exercise showed the will to prevent large -scale lethal weapons from spread to the spread of weapons, as well as determination to improve response capabilities and take measures.

On the other hand, the SOCKOR in South Korea and the U.S. Army (SOCKOR) in Facebook on the same day, it released a close -range air -supported real -bombs exercise photo held from July 27th to 28th from July 27th to 28th.

A close -range air support real -bombs exercise is a military operation that uses helicopter or fighter air strikes to support the army. It is part of the Korean United States United States.The US Air Force's F-16 fighter and A-10 attack aircraft participated in the exercise.

The South Korean Special Combat Command said that the exercise improved the interoperability in South Korean defense mission, which is a typical example of South Korea and the United States to perform a common commitment to perform practical exercises.